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Some clerics - shaykhs and priests - have suddenly turned into experts in economics, sociology, chemistry and physics as well as politicians who advise people to follow their opinions through Fatāwá, the observance of which is obedience to God and their breach considered apostasy.
The author reviews the painstaking efforts of Dr. ‘Azīz Suryāl ‘Attīyah to issue a Coptic encyclopedia as a means to revive the Coptic heritage, history and traditions. He calls for the Arabic translation of the English-language encyclopedia that was released by the McMillan Publishers Ltd in...
The article tackles a symposium organized by MENA, the Egyptian official news agency, about Muslim-Coptic coexistence in Egypt. Participants called for sustaining citizenship, away from any religious sentiments and blamed the religious institutions for their negligence in this regard.
Arab Satellite channels can be judged from the perspective of being in a development stage and thus needing more time to mature. But the dilemma is that they do not follow logical stages in development. They are indigenous establishments that seek propaganda and sensationalize the news.
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