Displaying 21 - 30 of 38.
The Egyptian government accused the Muslim Brotherhood of seeking to overturn the regime and establish an Islamic Caliphate. The higher State Security Prosecution decided to put 17 Brotherhood members in jail for 15 days pending further investigations. It also ordered the arrest of three other...
An employee at the Ministry of Agriculture claimed that an unlicensed church was going to be built in a storehouse in the Nazlat Musturud area, in order to get the building destroyed in a personal vendetta against the owner.
The Ministry of Awqaf [Endowments] put new conditions on building mosques. The conditions for building mosques include that the residential area be in real need of building a mosque. A minimum of 500 meters should separate one mosque from another. The conditions also include that anyone who...
When I. visited the monastery of the Holy Virgin on the Western Mountain of Dronka in Assiut, I saw at the foot of the mountain a vast area covered with gloomy brushwood. The monastery tried hard to clean up the area and cultivate it with timber-producing woods—watered by the drained water—but the...
The head of the Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transplantation Department at the Animal Reproduction Research Institute, who is a Copt, faced problems around his promotion to a higher position. Although he meets all the conditions for the promotion and although he was recommended by the...
The Supreme Administrative Court decided to postpone its decision concerning the appeal lodged by the Labor Party to cancel the decision that suspended Al-Shaab paper, the mouthpiece of the Party. Members of the Party made some decisions to regain their unity. Some members objected to these...
The house of a Christian family, in Al-Sharqiya, was demolished by order of the Department of Land Protection for the Agricultural Directorate of Al-Sharqiya, on the grounds that it was built on agricultural land. This house was not the only house built on Agricultural land in the area. However, it...
The Agricultural Directorate of Sohag refused to appoint a Christian senior specialist agronomist as a department manager and appointed instead his Muslim assistant, although the former is by far better qualified. The Christian agronomist filed a lawsuit against the Agricultural Directorate and...
The Brotherhood MPs are focusing on the ministers of education, health, culture, agriculture, and interior. Each of them specializes in attacking a ministry. The most active is Dr. Mohammed Gamal Hishmat, who filed 61 inquiries to the ministers of health, education, and higher education and...
Both the governor of Qalyubiya and the bishop of Shubra el-Kheima provided us with documents to support their arguments. We have translated the 11 documents, and placed them in chronological order. In this order it is important to distinguish between the period before March 1 (the oral permit of...


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