Displaying 151 - 160 of 383.
The Ministry of the Religious Endowments visited some 200 sites throughout Cairo at which Friday prayers for ‘Īd al-Adhá will take place.
The Azhar, Dār al-Iftā’ and the Ministry of Endowments demanded punishment for those responsible for the death of several members of the security forces in the town of al-Farāfara in the governorate ‘NewValley’.
After his reappointment as Minister of Religious Endowments, Dr. Muhammad Mukhtār Gum’ah stated that he is planning to regulate the Egyptian religious discourse more tightly in order to purge it from extremist elements. Furthermore, he wants to improve the investments of the endowment funds in...
In a meeting last night with the Minister of Endowments Dr. Muhamad Mukhtār Jum’ah, the religious sector of the Ministry decided that preaching licenses would not be issued directly through local departments. 
Sheikh Ahmad Turk, head of research and advocacy at the Ministry of Endowments has released information regarding meetings conducted between members of the Salafī organization and the Minister of Endowments, Muhamad Mukhtār Jum’ah.
Dr. Muhamad Mukhtār Jum’ah, Minister of Endowments, refuted all allegations posed against his ministry regarding its cooperation with the state of Israel. Dr. Jum’ah referred to these allegations as lies intended to damage the ministry’s image. 
A Salafī leader announced that the sheikhs of his organization would not be observing any of the Ministry of Endowments’ rules regarding i’tikāf . The source affirmed that none of the Salafi sheikhs or youth have registered for i’tikāf , as per the new laws, and that they will all embark on this...
The Ministry of Endowments announced that only 3,300 mosques nationwide would be participating in the religious tradition of i’tikāf this year. Sheikh Muhamad ‘Abd al-Rāziq, head of the religious sector of the Ministry of Endowments, issued a strong warning to whoever tries to violate the rules and...
Salafī leaders criticized Dr. Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah, Minister of Endowments, particularly after the failure of his meeting with the leaders of the Da’wah al- Salafiah two days ago.
The fundamental traditional Islam spread in Egypt not only among followers of Islamist political movements such as the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis, but also among the ordinary segments of the population, and after decades of abortions of any attempt to renew the religious discourse. A year...


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