Displaying 111 - 120 of 141.
Background: Maria van der Hoeven is a Dutch politician of the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) party. She served as Minister of Economic Affairs from 2007-2011. Side A: The Dutch Minister Maria van der Hoeven is in Cairo on a visit the Dutch-Flemish institute. The first topic discussed was...
The Center for Arab-West Understanding had faced numerous obstacles from the moment the founders wanted to establish the organization in 2004, despite its lofty goal of facilitating understanding between communities in Egypt and the Arab World and the West, through producing material for Arab-Wes
“Citizens are trapped between a rock and a hard place. They will have to choose only between the fulūl (remnants of the former regime) or Islamist groups. Citizens voted for Shafīq not because he is the most efficient but rather to avoid brining the Muslim Brotherhood to power,” said Harīrī in...
Pope Tawadros received congratualtory phone calls from both President Mursī and the Muslim Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide, Muhammad Badīꞌ, to greet him for Christmas. According to al-Misrī al-Yawm, many Muslims manifested their solidarity with their Christian countrymen by attending Christmas all over...
After performing yesterday’s (Jan. 4) Friday prayers, youth members of various political forces and parties marched from ‘Umar Makram Mosque to the Coptic Evangelical Church of Qasr al-Dubārah to extend their Christmas greetings to Copts. Led by the imām of said Mosque, Shaykh Mazhar Shahīn, also...
Egyptian newspaper Al-Yawm al-Sābiʿ referred to a Foreign Policy report stating that the supporters of the deposed president, Muhammad Morsi (Mursī), have attacked churches and Copts as a punishment for their strong opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood rule.  
Before the service, hundreds of Christians were protesting in the street, chanting slogans against the Muslim Brotherhood. It seems as though unknown assailants attacked the protestors, firing birdshot and throwing Molotov cocktails at the mourners and the cathedral grounds. Some protestors...
Upon celebrating the Christmas Mass on January 7 and receiving the congratulatory wishes extended by Egyptian public personalities, Pope Tawadros II left to Saint Bishoy Monastery (Dayr al-Anbā Bīshūy) in Wādī al-Natrūn. According to a Church source, the Pope is reviving the weekly sermon tradition...
Following my initial visit to ‘Izbat al-Hajjānah [1], I furthered my research on other issues occurring in the aḥayʾ sha‘abiya of Cairo, or the popular areas where Egypt’s poor are living. The word ‘slum’ is disputed since Egypt does not have the abject poverty such as is seen in for example India...
The Salafi Al-Nūr Party has intensified its meetings with it its support bases throughout Egypt's provinces to discuss the challenges the State is currently facing, and to "expose the crimes of the Muslim Brotherhood, and its vandalism to damage the country," according to Sameh `Abd al-Hamīd,...


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