Displaying 61 - 70 of 141.
The Muslim Brotherhood has reportedly issued orders to its ranks in preparation for a protest planned for tomorrow. The National Coalition in Support for Legitimacy has called for an escalation of protests tomorrow to take place in front of court houses and embassies of Arab regimes supportive of...
Counselor Sa’īd Abd al- Rahmān, the Attorney General of the Appeals Prosecution, has ordered the quick arrest of Salafi Shaykh Muhammad Abd al- Maqsūd, and accusing him of inciting violence. A complaint has been filed by Tāriq Mahmūd, advisor of the Popular Front for Resisting Muslim Brotherhood-...
Muslim Brothehood leader Gamāl Hishmat stated that the Brotherhood is ready to “retreat a step backwards” in order to reach a political consensus. He stated that they would like to follow the path of Rāshid al- Ghanūshy, head of al- Nahdah party in Tunisia when he gave up power. Samīh ‘Id, Islamist...
Five years have now elapsed since the June 30 Revolution broke out in 2013 forming a major landmark in the modern history of Egypt. However, some western intellectuals and politicians, such as the French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, viewed it as a military coup. But the truth is that it is...
Participants in a conference for Copts in Cairo held by the Egyptian Organization Union  for Human Rights issued seven demands to confront the issue of the migration of Christians from the Arabic world. The demands included the fair representation of Christians in positions of authority, the...
For the third day in a row, Coptic children in the village of Daljā in the governorate of Minya were prevented from attending their schools in Dayr Muwās, due to the threat of kidnapping or death from members of the Muslim Brotherhood. One child has been kidnapped and his family asked for a ransom...
From time to time, I receive invitations to participate in dialogues, platforms, forums, seminars, or to contribute intellectually through research papers, on the perceptions and scenarios on the future of our Arab region. All these dialogues are directly or indirectly connected with the interest...
Muhammad Badī’, Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, addressed the court from the prisoner’s dock before the beginning of a session of his trial in Qalyūb. He stated that the Egyptian people had elected Muhammad Mursī, and also said that he was the first Supreme Guide of the Brotherhood to...
Father Bishoy Hilmī, Secretary of the Egypt Council of Churches, said that the Council would seek legal recognition, and would submit a request to the Presidency. Halmī stated that the organisation had originally sought a constitutional article from the Constituent Assembly of 2013 (also known as...
In the governorate of Dakahlia Counselor Mansūr Saqr, Head of the Criminal Court in Dakahlia, has stepped down from the trial of 19 men accused of killing a taxi driver. Residents of his village Sandūb gathered outside the court in Mansura to protest against the most severe punishment. General...


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