Displaying 591 - 600 of 3269.
Muslim Brotherhood Murshid (Guide) Muhammad Badī' made a phone call Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III to enquire after his health and congratulate him over his return home safe from a treatment trip in Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. Church sources aid that the St. Mark Cathedral is considering sending...
In a fear-dispelling step by Islamists, religious parties and entities competed to offer congratulations for Copts on the occasion of the Eastern Christmas and form human shields to protect Christian houses of worship during the celebrations. “The Salafī Da’wah (Call) Organization has formed human...
Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III ordered Archpriest Sergius Sergius, deputy of the patriarchate for administrative affairs, to send Coptic Orthodox Christmas Mass invitations to all political parties including the Salafī ones like al-Asālah (Authenticity), al-Fadīlah (Virtue) and al-Nūr (Light) as...
The Muslim Brotherhood announced that it already set up informal groups to participate in the protection of churches during the New Year's Eve and Eastern Coptic Christmas celebrations. The Brotherhood, in a statement congratulating Copts as well as Muslim on the Christmas, called on the Supreme...
The Egyptian court's death sentence for Mahmūd Hassan Ramadān, who had admitted having thrown children from the rooftop during the Alexandria riots in 2013, was the first execution of a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood since its banning. 
The investigations into the Maspero case accused three priests, Muslim Brotherhood members and four political movements of inciting and sparking riots, summoning witnesses for the prosecution for the second time. Suspects said that they had nothing to do with the protests in Maspero but that they...
Muhammad 'Ādil, a leader in al-Jamā'ah al-Islāmīyah, said that he lost in the parliament elections because of the alliance between the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), Christians and seculars. He attacked the MB during a speech at a mosque in Suez governorate. [Sayyīd Nūn, al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, Dec. 27, p. 6...
Sawirus, the founder of the Free Egyptians Party, called on the Muslim Brotherhood to reveal their budget for the election campaign and spending on the candidates of the Freed and Justice Party (FJP), the Brotherhood's political arm.  "An Arab leader had asked me to notify security (intelligence)...
His Eminence the Murshid said he is constant contact with Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III to enquire after his health. “Our Christian brothers will not see in this religion anything but freedom and justice we have all been denied for long,” said Badī’ during his press conference in the Upper...
Muslim Brotherhood Murshid (Guide) Dr. Muhammad Badī’ said any political power has the right to peaceful demonstration without the need to pelt others with stones, adding the group does not have to participate in million-man protests on Fridays unless they deemed it necessary to do that.  “We don’t...


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