Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
The article gives a historical overview of the conflict between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland. The conflict started at the beginning of the last century because of discrimination by the Protestant majority against the Catholic minority. The British bias towards its Protestant...
The author notes that the West saw both the power and the dark side of the Muslim reactions to the Danish cartoons. He pleas that Muslims check their reactions next time, lest their negative image in Westerners’ eyes become even more solidified.
The Muslim community in the UK reacts to their political marginalization.
Muslim fundamentalists in the UK will rally in front of the British Parliament on October 10 demanding the release of Abu Hamza Al-Masry, the leader of the group of Ansar Al-Shari’a [The advocates of Shari’a]. The rally will takes place few days before the date of the court session in which a...
Hulsman called some Christians in Samalut and learned from them about the problems around renovating a church. He also describes the difficulties with church renovation in Egypt in general which is not so much a matter of obtaining a permit or not but depends a lot on local bureaucrats and...
The article gives a brief overview of the history of Muslim-Western relations. He makes suggestions for an approach and understanding between the two cultures.
Egyptian authorities have prevented the lawyers and wife of a human rights leader from visiting him, a rights group said Friday.
The check presented by the British embassy should not be the sword to slain the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR), since this check was not the first of its kind nor the last.
The British House of Commons and House of Lords passed new legislation aimed at crushing violent Northern Ireland groups but will also hit terrorists from Egypt in England.
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