Date of source: Saturday, December 18, 1999
A few days ago, President Mubarak sent the draft of the Procedure law in Personal Status law cases to the Shura Council to discuss it before forwarding it to the People’s Assembly. The draft of the new law which has been drawn up with careful consultation with various bodies, particularly the Al-...
Date of source: Friday, December 17, 1999
Before referring the draft of the Law Regulating the Personal Status to the People’s Assembly, President Hosni Mubarak held a meeting to ensure that the rules of Islamic Shari’a canonical were met in the draft. In the deliberations of the Azhar on the new draft there were disagreements, however, on...
Date of source: Saturday, December 11, 1999
Last Tuesday, a delegation from the American Congress visited Assiut. The delegation was received by General Ahmed Hammam, the governor of Assiut, and a delegation of religious and political leaders in the Lillian Thrasher orphanage. The Egyptian delegation assured the visitors that "What is...
Date of source: Saturday, November 27, 1999
The author claims members of the Gama’at al-Islamia and the Jihad, who have been involved in terrorism, are active in the Labor Party. He therefore sounds the alarm, an warns that the country’s democracy is in danger and that viruses of sickness are spreading in the political atmosphere.. without...
Date of source: Saturday, November 27, 1999
Fanatic doctors call for closed mindedness and stiffness. They claim to be religious but in reality they are not. The fanatics are trying to stop the development in the medical profession.
Date of source: Thursday, November 11, 1999
Islam is known to rule out borrowing and lending if usury is involved. But Al-Azhar Rector Sheikh Mohamed Sayed Tantawi says borrowing to meet the necessities of life is permissible.
Date of source: Thursday, November 11, 1999
The Grand Sheikh of Al Azhar, Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi, has backed down from a month-old fatwa (legal opinion) that shook both the business community and ordinary Muslims who might want to buy a home.
Date of source: Sunday, November 14, 1999
Dr. Hamed Abu Zayd said that the most important issue occupying his mind is the crisis of modern religious thought and the problems of the different interpretations of the Qur`an. There have been several versions of the Qur’an but one was left over and other versions of the Qur`an were burned.
Date of source: Saturday, November 6, 1999
Since the Nasserist Party was established in 1992, it has placed the issue of national unity among its priorities. This is obvious in the party’s programs and its activities. This is quite natural because if the Nasserist Party would not do this, the party’s association with the name of Gamal Abd...
Date of source: Wednesday, November 3, 1999
After moving against Egypt’s offshore press in 1998 by making them go through the prime minister’s office for approval, the government has turned its attention to the local press and is reminding them who’s boss by demanding payment of massive back taxes.