Displaying 51 - 60 of 221.
A new controversy has started among Copts pertaining to the call of Nūr Party to Copts to nominate themselves on the lists of the party. While those who agreed with the call of the Nūr Party stated that allying with them is better than allying with the Mubārak regime members, those who rejected the...
Dr. Yūnis Makhyūn, head of Nūr Party, describes what happens in the Central African Republic as ethnic cleansing of Muslims by Christians, with the atrocities happening being worse than one could imagine. Because of the violence, many Muslims fled to neighboring communities. Makhyūn stated through...
The Alexandria Court for Urgent Affairs has decided to postpone the case of dissolving all religious parties till the session of the October 1, 2014.
An anonymous source from the Da’wah stated that the there is a feeling of anger among the youth of the Da’wah al- Salafiah and the Nūr Party against the Ministry of Endowments.
Minister of Endowments, Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah, has met a number of Nūr Party leaders including the president of Nūr Party, Yūnis Makhyūn, and Dr. Muhammad Ibrāhīm Mansūr to discuss the “Preaching law” that has led to prohibiting Salafi preachers from giving sermons. 
A fierce competition is taking place between the sufīs and salafīs on the parliaments seats. The sufī Islāh front is preparing its lists to prevail over the Salafīs in the upcoming parliament while the Nūr Salafī party has rejected these statements stating that the parliament is not a place for a...
 Muhammad Mukhtār Jum‘a, Minister of Religious Endowments, has refused the demands of shaykhs of the Salafi Call to review the law on the practice of preaching and giving religious lessons in mosques, calling for adherence to the terms of the law. Muhammad Salāh Khalīfa, a member of the Media...
The Coptic Orthodox Church have criticized the Coptic movements that have announced its attempt to nominate names on the Nūr party lists.
Eng. Salāh Abd al- Ma’būd member of the Nūr Party high board  stated that there is no place for the lists of the party for members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Nūr Party has convened a meeting on February 6 to set its criteria for the presidential candidate that it will support and responded to the campaign of the Muslim Brotherhood against it. The meeting resulted in a set of criteria, including the need for a president who maintains national unity...


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