Displaying 31 - 40 of 62.
Speaking at a press conference, Majdī Sābr, the Media Coordinator for the Union of Maspero Youth, said that the denigration of religion continues apace in Egypt. He castigated what he sees as the denigration of Islam saying that often, judicial rulings are levied quickly in the name of Islam while...
A number of Coptic movements condemned the "bloody" incidents that took place on al-Qasr al-'Aynī street and mourned the killing of Shaykh 'Imād 'Ifat as young Copts placed a photo of the late cleric instead of photos of killed Coptic activist Mīnā Danyāl and their own on their social networking...
A leading Salafist said that the West knows well that dignity and progress of the nation lies in the implementation of the sharī’ah, for the sake of which lives can be sacrificed. “We are ready to lose our lives for the sake of implementing the sharī’ah and we welcome martyrdom in order to attain...
The Union called on all Egyptians to participate in a candlelight vigil next Sunday (January 1, 2012) at 05:00 p.m. off the Supreme Court building to mark the 1st anniversary of the martyrs of the Church of the January 1, 2011 Two Saints bombing attack that left dozens of Christians dead or wounded...
The Maspero Youth Union and a number of Coptic coalitions and unions threatened to organize demonstrations next week outside the ministries of education and higher education to object the announcement that examinations would start on January 8. Majdī Sābir, the Maspero Youth Union's media spokesman...
When Father Boulos Halīm, the spokesperson of the Orthodox Church was asked about the Maspero Youth Union and its criticism of the church, Halīm said that the church will not sue whoever criticizes it and that the church only cares about the interests of Egypt. Halīm added that the only way to...
CAWU Researcher Rene Witteveen met with Mina Magdy, General Coordinator of the Maspero Youth Union on October 10th 2014.
  (October 30, 2014) Since its inception on the tarmac facing the Maspero State Television building in Downtown Cairo, the Maspero Youth Union (MYU) has been a driving movement, organizing protests that at times have included thousands of Coptic Christians. Before its establishment three and a half...
While the Coptic Pope has supported al-Sīsī’s presidential bid, Coptic intellectuals think it may take more than the Pope’s blessings for the Copts to vote for him. 
I have read much about passive resistance, and I have studied the history of persecution which the Copts suffered under the Romans, and how they were able to overthrow the yoke of the Empire with passive resistance. The Copts lost half of their members to persecution at the hands of the Romans, so...


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