Displaying 1 - 8 of 8.
For the first time in years we had one of our student interns questioned and detained by Egyptian police for one day which has resulted in questions from a number of our relations. It all turned out to be a very unfortunate misunderstanding, but it nevertheless was very unpleasant for our student....
The Center for Arab-West Understanding had faced numerous obstacles from the moment the founders wanted to establish the organization in 2004, despite its lofty goal of facilitating understanding between communities in Egypt and the Arab World and the West, through producing material for Arab-Wes
The new Egyptian NGO law was widely criticized in different media and as a consequence we received questions about the status of the Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) in relation to the new law. The following constitutes Dr. Hulsman's response. 
A meeting sponsored by the Anna Lindh foundation and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations was just held on 6 April 2011  at the headquarters of the Arab League. It is part of a forum seeking to explore how Arab-West relations could be built differently in the next decade, taking into...
President Mubarak resigned today. We have witnessed much of the events leading up to his resignation showing that reporting in the West provided a biased image. Images of Tahrir Square dominated most media since January 25 but little was reported about other parts of the country.   Foreigners...
In recent years the tensions between Christians and Muslims in Egypt have increased. In many cases Christians have been victims of violence. Is there any chance that religions can live together peacefully in the land of Nile? This is the question that Cornelis Hulsman sought to answer in his paper...
Drs. Hulsman presents the Electronic Network for Arab West Understanding. He explains how it came into being and its main roles and functions. He also outlines the planned outcomes of the ENAWU 2 phase of the project.
Kees Hulsman interviewed HRH Prince Hassan bin-Talal about Christian migration from the Arabic world. Dr. William Wīsā writes about Egyptian media responses to Coptic conferences. Al-Usbū‘ often being accused for its close links to Egyptian security services. George Adli years ago falsely claimed...
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