Displaying 1 - 10 of 10.
On behalf of the Egyptian Government, the Minister of Legal and Parliamentary Affairs ʿUmar Marwān (Omar Marawan) required the adding of the representative of the Egyptian Church to the permanent committee of technical, legal and administrative experts on the protection of manuscripts.
Pastor Rifʿat Fikrī, President of the Media Committee of the Egyptian Council of Churches, stated that the Egyptian church returned the code of personal status for Copts to Counselor Majdī al-ʿAjātī, Minister of Legal Affairs and Parliament, to discuss and amend it.
This article reports on various sources, all denying that policeman ‘Āmir ‘Āshūr, who allegedly shot dead a Copt and injured five others on a train, had any mental problems. According to Minister of Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Mufīd Shihāb this rules out any “sectarian motives behind the...
Anba Barnaba, Bishop of Rome, talks to Watani about the Copts in Italy and those in Egypt. He speaks of immigration, integration, discrimination, and the Egyptian nationality for all Copts.
The author reports on research by ‘Ādil Jundī, who comments on the real number of presidential decrees regarding building churches.
Mufīd Shihāb discusses human rights conditions in Egypt with the assistant of the American Secretary of State for Democracy and Human Rights Affairs. .
Bishop Bīshūy comments on current issues in the Coptic Orthodox Church and society, including Muslim-Christian relations.
As a new parliamentary session gets under way, Watani International reignites the issue of the unified law for houses of worship.
Watanī presents different opinions toward the draft unified law for houses of worship. The opinions include those of members of parliament and Shūrá Council members.
In the last three months Watanī newspaper has pushed hard for the unified law for building houses of worship to be discussed in the parliament. In this article Watanī presents a collection of opinions of members of parliament toward the proposed law.
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