Displaying 141 - 150 of 482.
A coalition grouping Muslims and Christians for the first time was founded by with the aim of deepening full citizenship and freedoms of opinion and expression in accordance with the international law, the UN Charter, international human rights covenants and the Egyptian society’s norms and ethic...
Bishop Basantī of Helwan and al-Ma'sarah said that Copts do not oppose Muslims in the implementation of the Islamic sharī'ah as long as it is taking into account the rights of Copts. [Muhammad 'Abd al-Shāfī, al-Ahrām, Jan. 17, p. 14] Read original text in Arabic
Grand Shaykh of the Azhar Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyīb and men of letters declared a statement on basic rights in Arab countries after a three-month thorough study and meetings at the Azhar headquarters. [Muhammad 'Abd al-Khāliq, al-Ahrām, Jan. 11, p. 7] Read original text in Arabic
  Bishop Yu'annis, secretary of H.H. Pope Shenouda III, said that the Coptic pope sent his approval of the law on the construction of houses of worship and churches to the Egyptian Cabinet and the Supreme Military Council. Bishop Yu'annis added that the Pope had intended to visit the Grand Shaykh...
On November 18, 2011 a new newspaper was published, al-Rahmah, the second mouthpiece for the salafi camp after al-Fatah, published on October 28.
The Islamic Research Academy renewed its disagreement on the unified law of building houses of worship and insisted on the 2001 statute that regulates building mosques. This came in a meeting headed by the Azhar's Grand Shaykh Dr. Ahmad al-Tayīb and Muftī of the Republic Dr. 'Alī Jum'ah. This...
 Muftī of the Republic A’lī Jum’ah condemned attacking Islamic and Christian tombs in the city of Yāfā in Palestine by extremist Jews and writing provocative racial expressions on them.  
Dr. 'Alī Jum'ah, muftī of the Republic, attacked people who criticize him and said: "The ongoing attacks on me are impolite."  In an interview with al-Hayat 1 channel, Jum'ah said that he is ready to drop the court case against Shaykh al-Huwaynī if the latter apologized. Read original text in...
  Responding to the huge stand of the salafīs yesterday before in Kafr el-Shaykh to support Shaykh Abu Ishāq al-Hūwīnī against Muftī Alī Gum’ah, a large number of scholars and students from al-Azhar and the global union of sūfī scholars headed by Prof. Hassan al-Shāfi’ī decided to organize a stand...
Islamic law allows Copts to build churches in Islamic countries, Egyptian Grand Mufti Ali Gomma said in a statement on Wednesday. Gomma said in the statement that Dar al-Ifta, which issues religious edicts, earlier said that Christians and Jews are allowed to build their own places of worship.


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