Displaying 171 - 180 of 482.
Muftī of the Republic Dr. 'Alī Jum'ah asserted that demolishing or bombing churches, killing whoever in it, or intimidating them are matters that run counter to the Islamic sharī'ah.
Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah, Muftī of the rRpublic of Egypt, called for the United Nations and its organizations to take strong development initiatives towards Egypt's new era without dictating or interfering externally in its internal business.
Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah, Grand Muftī of the republic, called the people of Egypt to accept the results of the referendum on the constitutional amendments, whatever the results will be.  
Muftī of the Republic Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah called for the omission of the word “sectarianism” from the Egyptian vocabulary, adding sectarian violence hurts Egypt as a whole.
Muftī of the Republic 'Alī Jum'ah said any assaults on churches or intimidation of Christians are harām (religiously impermissible in Islam), adding acts of sabotage on Christians or their churches could distort the image of Islam in both the East and the West.
AWR's Diana Maher Ghali writes a press review on three main issues that are currently occupying the pages of newspapers: the second article in the constitution that states: "Islam is the Religion of the State. Arabic is its official language, and the principal source of legislation is Islamic Sharī...
Egypt's Grand Muftī Sheikh 'Alī Jum'ah yesterday rejected revoking the second article of the Constitution pertaining to the official religion of the country, saying he would resign if the article were scrapped. The article states that Islam is the religion of the state, Arabic is its official...
Friday preachers from different Cairo mosques focused yesterday on the events of fitnah of 'Ātfīh which Egypt's been witnessing lately. The preachers stressed the duty to protect Christians and their worship places as directed by Islamic sharī'ah. In al-Rushdān mosque in Nasr City, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah...
AWR's Diana Maher Ghali presents a press review covering three days: March 11, 14, and 15, 2011, where news focused on the rebuilding of the church of the Two Martyrs, Saint Mina and Saint George in Sūl village of 'Ātfīh (Helwan governorate) and the victims of the clashes between Muslims and...
The British University of Liverpool grants a doctoral degree in human literature to Grand Muftī 'Alī Jum'ah. This is in recongnizing his role and efforts in spreading tolerance and understanding between religions around the world and the the first time in history that a Mufti is awarded this...


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