Displaying 211 - 220 of 482.
Grand Muftī Ali Gomma denied remarks attributed to him by a certain newspaper regarding the authorities handing over Kamilia Shehata to the Church. Official Speaker on behalf of Dar Al-Ifta Al-Misriyyah says the article was a fabrication and called on journalists to "be careful" about what they...
Rev. Safwat al-Bayyādī presents his views on peacemaking through education, training, and personal involvement. He also discusses the value of religious initiatives to promote peace. Article full text: On November 18, 2009 I had a chance to interview Rev. Safwat al-Bayyādī, President of the...
Egypt welcomed news of President Obama’s expected visit to Egypt in June. The Azhar and the muftī of Egypt hailed Obama’s choice of Egypt and welcomed the visit and the expected discourse as a promising sign of improving relations between the U.S administration and Muslim countries.
‘Abd al-Rahīm Abū Shāmah reports about ‘Alī Jum‘ah’s fatwá concerning Muslims investing their money in foreign banks.
The muftī of Egypt warns Muslims about depositing their money in foreign banks.
Dr. Hassan Wagieh from the Azhar University stresses that Sūrah 2:256 is not abrogated or canceled by other verses.
The author discusses Ambassador Khattāb’s comments about his article regarding the American Presbyterian Church’s interference in the Child Law. He also critiques interference of NGOs utilizing foreign funds in Egyptian governmental affairs.
Hānī Labīb provides a panorama of what he believes shows positive progress toward citizenship in Egypt in 2007.
The appearance of bizarre fatwás goes against the tolerant nature of Islam writes Amānī Mājid.
The article discusses the relations between NGOs and donor organizations, pointing to the specifics involving the Child’s Law.


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