Displaying 11 - 20 of 270.
Rifʿat al-Saʿīd was born in al-Mansūrah, al-Daqahlīyah governorate on 11 October, 1932. al-Saʿīd is considered as one of the most prominent leftist figures in Egypt. In 2005, al-Saʿīd criticized the amendment proposed by President Ḥusnī Mubārak to article 67 of the Egyptian constitution. The...
Ayman Muḥammad Rabīʿ al-Ẓawāhirī is a Muslim who claims that he is committed to bring the golden age of the caliphate back, and advocates a violent means of jihād to achieve his objectives. His own native country Egypt, along with many other countries, considers him a terrorist. During the 1990s,...
Three years ago, on February 27, 2013, we interviewed Aḥmad Ashūsh in our office. These were the days of President Muhammad Mursī and we then made efforts to understand the motivations of the different people involved various Islamists movements. Aḥmad Ashūsh was arrested in October 2013 for the...
Thousands of young people from Western countries have gone to Syria during recent years to fight under the black flag of what Prof. Schleifer calls “the most brutal and threateningly successful jihadist group, calling itself the Islamic State.” The British Tony Blair Foundation recently published a...
The Salafī-Jihadis of Egypt are a small movement, but Muhammad al-Zawāhirī, by virtue of his infamous brother Ayman, is its face. He made headlines on September 11, 2012, offering to mediate between ‘the West’ and al-Qaeda, believing he has leverage with family at the helm. 
In February 2013 Arab-West Report researched the small but controversial Islamist movement known as the Salafī-Jihadis. An interview was procured with Ahmed ‘Ashūsh, one of their leading figures and a colleague of Muhammad al-Zawāhirī, brother of Ayman, the leader of al-Qā’idah. A summary of this...
Until today arguments in Egypt rage about whether the removal of President Morsi was a coup d’état or not. For Morsi supporters the argument is clear: Morsi was the first elected president since 1952 and was removed by General al-Sisi on July 3, 2013. For Morsi opponents the argument is equally...
President Muhammad Mursī on Wednesday, August 8, issued a presidential decree appointing Ambassador Muhammad Fathī al-Tahtāwī as chief presidential chamberlain.He is the grandson of Rifā’ah Rāf'ī al-Tahtāwī, one of the leading figures of the enlightenment during the reign of Muhammad 'Alī in the...
The fatwá is commonly known in the West as a death sentence. Among Muslims, the fatwá can be among the most powerful tools of Islamic populism. On a third front, the fatwá is simply a bureaucratic function. Which definition encompasses reality?  
  Clashes erupted between hundreds of fundamentalist Salafī demonstrators and Tunisian police forces in the morning hours of June 12. The protesters were upset by an art exhibition which they considered "offensive" to Muslims. After a Salafī group had stormed and distorted the exhibition the...


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