Displaying 11 - 20 of 1041.
The board of the Arab-West Foundation decided in its meeting on April 22, to adopt this statement with steps that are believed to be necessary to end the cycle of violence and reach a moment in which Israelis and Palestinians can live together in peace. This statement was written by Cornelis...
This text about Dutch Arabist and scholar of Islam Prof. Dr. Johannes (Hans) G. Jansen (1942-2015) is based on Cornelis Hulsman’s personal experiences with Prof.
Dr. Hans Jansen has long played a role fuelling Islamophobia in the West. I understand his views on Islam have been greatly influenced by the writings and arguments of extremists. It is sad that such extremists have based their views on the Qur’an, Sīra and Sunna. I am pleased Cornelis Hulsman has...
Imām Fāḍl Sulaymān responded in 2018 to allegations of Dr. Hans Jansen on whether Sūra 2: 256, there shall be no compulsion in religion, had been abrogated. This discussion is essential since the verse’s abrogation is argued for by the Islamist extremists that Hans Jansen studied. This position...
Cornelis Hulsman is from a conservative Christian Reformed family in the Netherlands but developed a fascination for the Coptic Orthodox Church. He became a member in 1985. Many stories of Christian persecution in Muslim countries come from the Dutch Christian organization Open Doors,  which has an...
Prof. Dr. Hassan Wagieh [Ḥassan Wajīh] is a Professor Emeritus, Linguistics Department, Faculty of Languages, at the prestigious Azhar University in Egypt. Prof. Wajīh is a long-time friend of Cornelis Hulsman, editor-in-chief of Arab-West Report/Dialogue Across Borders. In April 2022 Hulsman...
Unlike the Netherlands, there are no social security benefits for refugees in Egypt, a country that is already struggling with close to 30% of the population living below the new global poverty line that has been set at $2.15 using 2017 prices. This means that anyone living on less than $2.15 a day...
In the context of Cornelis Hulsman showing me his nice draft newsletter article on Salman Rushdie for feedback, I recalled an article I wrote when I was at Georgetown University during what we may call the “Satanic Verses Crisis.”  I had at the time a talk which lasted for long hours with the...
The 2021 Report on International Religious Freedom in the Arab World by the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. government provides estimates about religious belief in various countries but figures are disputed. The percentage of Christians, Jews, Shīʿa Muslims and nonbelievers is definitely higher...
After the publication of Be Thou There; the Holy Family’s Journey in Egypt (AUC Press, 2001), Cornelis Hulsman organized a number of ‘pilgrimages’ to locations of the Holy Family in Egypt.


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