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Since H...
Muslims responding to terrorism, following the attacks in London and Sharm al-Sheikh and the dangers of identity politics.
The article is about religious Fatāwá [religious rulings] and the need for scientific integrity in mentioning evidences that supports or contradicts Fatāwá given by Muslim clerics.
Arab political and religious discourse, including the mass media, has failed to access the terrorist mentality, simply because official and religious institutions have locked the door to ijtihād [religious debate that allows for the creation of new rules and fatwas concerning modern issues].
Is Arabic society sick? Yes it is. Admitting this is not a sign of defeat or pessimism. It is self-condemnation. We need to take a deep look into the illness to find the cure.
Algeria insisted to abandon the teaching of religion in secondary schools as a conclusive solution to religious extremism and terrorism. Although neighboring Tunisia is a model of how to modernize religious education to serve the contemporary needs without having to abandon it, Algeria did not...
The author comments on secularism in the Arab world. He believes that secularism cannot be applied in the Arab world, part of which is Iraq. Since this is the case and since the American Administration cannot convince the Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq to abandon the idea of establishing a religious...
The author sheds light upon the importance of human relations with regards to the Palestinian resistance and the Palestinian people, stressing the psychological suffering that the Palestinian families go through when they lose loved ones because of suicide operations [with comments].
The author explains the misunderstanding of the concept of “secularism." in Islamic and Arab societies; secularism is presented as a call for atheism and apostasy. Based on this misunderstanding, some launched an attack on France because the country has banned religious symbols in public schools...
It has become dangerous to tell simple people frankly that the Afghan and Jihad Islamic groups do not understand politics and that they are the reason behind the tragedy of Afghanistan. It has become clear that such groups, intentionally, involve Arabs, Muslims and Islam in an absurd unequal...


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