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The Coptic movements concerned with divorce and second marriage hailed the completion of the family draft law for Christians, prepared by Egyptian churches and the government. They considered it a breakthrough in solving problems of thousands of Copts affected by personal status issues, due to the...
The Association of the Victims of the Personal Status Law criticized Bishop Aghāthūn of Maghāgha and al-ʿAdwah in al-Minya governorate for suggesting that the Coronavirus epidemic is a result of God’s wrath and his Biblical prophecies.
“Divorce is granted only in the case of adultery”—This is the solution the Coptic Constitution offers those who are affected by personal status crises and seek separation and divorce.  The late Pope Shinūda III issued a regulation in 2008 that expanded the reasons for divorce to two: adultery...
Founder of the Victims of The Personal Status movement, Hānī ʿIzzat, has called on the Christian denominations of Egypt to accelerate in submitting the by-laws on the personal status to the parliamentarian committee in charge and to come to an agreement on a unified bill on personal status law for...
Coptic rights activist Hānī ʿIzzat al-Masrī, condemned the statement by the spokesman of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Rev. Būlus Halīm, in which he asserted the Church's position opposing the Copts' visit to the holy sites in Jerusalem.
Hānī ʿIzzat, a coordinator with the Union of Personal Status Law Victims, said that rule 38 does not violate the precepts of the gospel as some have said. ʿIzzat added that rule 38 utilizes 7 justifications for divorce from the ʿIzzat gospel, saying that rule 38 had been in effect from 1938 until...
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