Displaying 111 - 120 of 149.
A lot of irregularities are have been taking place in the Egyptian Organization of Human Rights [EOHR] after the election of Hafez Abu-Saeda, who assumed responsibility (for leading the organization) after the fourth General Assembly of the organization in 1998...
Yesterday, The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights [EOHR] expressed its disappointment at the decision issued by the State Security Prosecutor to refer Hafez Abu-Saeda, Secretary General of the organization, to the Supreme State Security Court (emergency) to be tried for breaching article No. 1...
Counselor Maher Abdel-Wahed, the Attorney General, issued yesterday a decision to refer Hafez Abu-Seada, the Secretary General of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights [the EOHR] to the High Court of State Security for trial. Abu-Seada was accused of receiving a US$ 25,000 check from the...
[This article was written on the request of Christianity Today. See also their web site: http://www.christianitytoday.com] The killings in Al-Koshh were preceded by escalated tensions in which different parties, including exaggerations in the Western press about Al-Koshh in 1998, the role of...
Without any introductions, it is known that playing with the Coptic issue is an old colonial card. Cromer used it, the Zionists used it, and nowadays, the Americans are using it to harm national unity! The latest scandals: 5 Copts going to America to find solutions for the problems of Copts! ...
The RNSAW interviewed Hafez Abu Seada upon the request of the American Council of Churches about the article in the Boston Globe and found that the Boston Globe and Hafez Abu Seada have talked at cross-purposes. Where Hafez Abu Seada spoke about human rights violations concerning all Egyptians,...
A new article about the Koshh issue. The article places the Koshh incident in the context of discrimination or even persecution of Christians in Egypt and quotes for this Hafez Abu Seada, the secretary-general of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights.
Youssef Sidhom, editor-in-chief at Watani newspaper, was one of seven Egyptians chosen by the Freedom House center in Washington DC in the USA to receive a prize awarded to them "for the bold and courageous attitudes of your work in the area of defending the basic human rights for all Egyptians."...
The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights apologized over receiving an award given to its secretary general from "The Freedom House" based in Washington. Hafez Abu-Seda, the secretary general stated that the award was given to him because of the famous Koshh report.
The government referred 20 suspected members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood to military prosecutors on Monday, nearly two weeks after they were arrested in the biggest crackdown on the group in four years. The accused are charged with "disseminating the ideas of the banned group, endangering...


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