Displaying 1 - 10 of 24.
Repeatedly we hear of reports that Muslims are attacking Christians. One such recent report is a clash in Alexandria in which one Christian died from a heart attack.  “A fight started between two young men, one Copt and the other Muslim, when the Copt allegedly sexually harassed the latter's sister...
Cornelis Hulsman was asked to speak about Matthew 25:35-36, where Jesus said “For I was hungry and you gav
The article covers a meeting attended by the leaders of al-Jamā‘ah al- Islāmīyah who spoke about their history and their plans for the future. They stressed the renunciation of violence and adopting peaceful means in their interaction with the regime and the society.
Asharq Al-Awsat and Al-Qahera gave a summary of a new book by the Gama’a Al-Islamiya about the Qai?da network. Al-Musawwar and Al-Ahram Al-Arabi interviewed two of the leaders of the group to comment on its ideological reconsiderations.
Asharq al-Awsat and al-Musawwar interviewed a leader of the Gama?at al-Islāmīyah and asked him about how the Gama?at were established, the conditions in which the initiative of denouncing violence was declared and the reasons behind their ideological reconsideration. Akher Saa interviewed a...
In this article, Hamdi Abdel Raḥmān, one of the eight leaders of the Jamā‘āt al- Islamiya who wrote the four books that renounce most of the ideologies of the Gama?at, speaks about how he came to join the Gama?at al-Islāmīyah, why the Gama?at resorted to violence and why they later renounced...
The trial of Max Michael, who was accused of insulting Pope Shenouda, was postponed to October 15.
In a statement published yesterday on al-Jamā‘ah al- Islāmīyah’s website, the group denied any links to al-Qā‘idah¸ indicating that Dr. Ayman al-Zawāhirī’s recent videotaped message about the alleged union between some members of the group and al-Qā‘idah "contradicts reality."
In an attempt to promote its recent non-violent approach, al -Jamā‘ah al- Islāmīyah has launched a website, which the author says marks a considerable change in the ideological stance of the "banned" Islamic group.
The article is an overview of the answers the leaders of the Gama´a Al-Islamiya gave to four of the 30 questions directed to them concerning the initiative to renounce violence and the ijtihads it is based on.


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