Displaying 11 - 20 of 45.
Dr. Ḥasan Hanafī discusses the strategies followed to deal with Islamic groups and organizations.
Subtitle: 1- The leader of the organization says, "When Dr. Yehia Ismael said that Hanafy was an apostate, we decided to kill him" 2- The one who was supposed to carry out the operation says, "The plan was to kill him with penknives. I have trained on how to do this in Nozha" 3- An official...
The author criticises the fatwa declaring Dr. Hassan Hanafy to be an apostate and explains how Dr. Hanafy’s work was taken out of context, and twisted to imply that he opposed Islam.
Subtitle:Who has the right to tolerate in the religion of our God? Who is the greatest, the Imam or our God?An interview with Dr. Yehya Ismael, the secretary general of the Front of Azhar Scholars, about the battle which the front has started against the Sheikh of the Azhar, Dr. Mohammed...
The attack on Dr. Hassan Hanafy seems to have subsided. The Azhar Scholars Front continues to denounce Dr. Hanafy, but they will not bring him to court, perhaps because of the strong opposition they have met from Dr. Abdel Mo’ti Bayoumi and Dr. Mohammed Sa’id Tantawi, Sheikh of the Azhar....
The terms ’kafir’ (unbeliever) and ’murtad’ (an apostate from Islam) are extremely important in Islam. The article discusses the recent court cases in Egypt against people accused of being ’murtad’, for example the case of Nasr Abu Zaid, a professor in Arabic at the University of Cairo, and...
The bloc of infidelity secures its activity The article discusses a report by the Azhar Scholars Front attacking the well-known Islamic scholar Hassan Hanafy. Dr. Abdel Mo’iti Bayoumi, former dean of the prestigious Azhar College of Religious Fundamentals, had the courage to come to the...
The article is about a workshop on freedom of expression and the interference of religious men in scientific research.
The author defends the importance of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt since its establishment in 1928, asserting it could play a major role in the Egyptian political scene.
The report examines the definitions of polemics, the differing views of what constitutes polemics, including the Danish cartoons and the play in Alexandria which led to sectarian violence, Mīzān al-Haqq, a 19th century Christian polemical book against Islam and the Gospel of Barnabas, which is the...


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