Displaying 1 - 10 of 18.
The author refutes claims of some Copts that late President Jamāl ‘Abd al-Nāṣir had discriminated against Copts through his nationalization movement.
The war on Iraq has ended. However, the role religion plays in it is still questioned. Some authors believe it cannot be viewed outside a religious framework and others warn against the danger of associating it with religion.
The author continues to comment on how applying Western secularism and modernism could be harmful to Islam, as it has corrupted Christian religion and ethics in Europe. He makes it clear that those who support Western modernism are not entitled to dictate the Islamic nation a new religion discourse...
The author continues publishing the response he received from Talat Gad Allah, which in its turn was written in response to an article by the author. Gad Allah explained that there is a big difference between persecution and political marginalization, which bans practices of political rights and...
The article is a response to a letter sent to the author by Talaat Gad Allah, a Coptic writer and a member of the Wafd Party, in which he commented on an article by the author titled “Abdel Nasser and the persecution of Copts”. The author provides information to prove his opinion that the 1952...
The writer comments on the views of Ma´amun Al-Hodeibi, the general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, that are stated in an interview to Sout Al-Umma.
The author comments on the statement of the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood about Copts, which he gave to Sout Al-Umma in a previous issue. The author believes that speaking about a partial representation for Copts is very dangerous as the result would be a plain sectarian system of ruling...
The author stresses that he does not track the Muslim Brotherhood. On the contrary, he gives the group the widest margin for expressing its opinions in Al-Quds Al-Arabi paper.
I dearly appreciate what Hani Labib wrote in his book “Al-mowatna wal-Awlama: Al-Aqbat fi mogtama’ Motaghayyer” [Citizenship and Globalization: Copts in a Changing Society] at a time when many Egyptian writers, most of whom are Muslims, attempt to hit Egypt’s Arabism and dissociate it from...
Mudslinging reached dizzy heights between Muslim Brotherhood and the Nasserists in the wake of the publishing of Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi’s diary in which the Muslim attacked (late Egyptian President) Gamal Abd Al-Nasser with foul language and accused him of disbelief and fighting Islam and that...


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