

List of persons names (and their functions) used in AWR-Articles

(Click on name to display relevant articles)

Name Function
Muḥammad Mahdī ʿĀkif (Mr.)

Seventh General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood (2004-2010)


Muḥammad Maḥmūd al-Ṭablāwī (Shaykh)

Egypt’s prominent Quran reciter Mohammad Al Tablawi, known as the “prince of recitation state”

Muḥammad Maḥmūd Ṭāha ‎

Sudanese religious thinker

Muḥammad Maḥsūb

Leading Wasat Party member and law professor at  Menoufiya University

Muḥammad Majdī Murjān (Dr.)

Author and Chairman of the Afro-Asian Writers Organization

Muḥammad Mandūr

Author; Journalist

Muḥammad Manṣūr
Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall
Muḥammad Masʿūd (Dr.)
Muḥammad Maʾmūn al-Huḍaybī

Official spokesman and secretary of the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood; Sixth General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood (2002-2004) 

Muḥammad Mihannā [Mohamed Mehanna] (Dr.)

Advisor to Al-Azhar’s Grand Imam, who has, since the 2011 revolution, gone from simply being Ahmed al-Tayeb’s advisor to, increasingly, being his spokesman. Professor of international law, former-parliamentary and Shura Council member, head of the Scientific Academy for the Study of Sufi Islam.

Muḥammad Minīsī (Dr.)
Muḥammad Mirāḥ

extremist, between March 11 and 15 he killed 7 people in Toulouse and Montauban 

Muḥammad Mīrghanī (Prof., Dr.)

Member of the editorial board of AWR (former: RNSAW); Professor of Law at the University of cAyn Shams; Lawyer

Muḥammad Mitwallī al-Shaʿrāwī (Shaykh)

Islamic Scholar; Former Minister of Endowment and Azhar Affairs; Author

Muḥammad Muḥammad Abū Laylā (Dr.)

Prominent Islamic thinker; Founder and President of the Cultural Association for the Cultural Understanding in Egypt; Author

Muhammad Muhammad Abu-Laylah (Muḥammad Abū Lila)
Muḥammad Muḥammad al-Amīr ʿAwwaḍ al-Sayyid ʿAṭā
Muḥammad Muḥī al-Dīn (Dr.)

Professor of Engineer

Muḥammad Mukhtār al-Mahdī (Azhar Scholar's Front)

Former Secretary General of the Azhar Scholars’ Front

Muḥammad Mukhtār Jumʿah ‎ [Mohamed Mokhtar Gomaa] (Dr.)

Egypt’s Minister of Endowments (Religious Affairs) ( 2013 -). He was appointed upon the recommendation by Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayeb

Muḥammad Munīb

Author and the former Secretary General of the EOHR.

Muḥammad Munīr Mujāhid (Dr.)

Head of Egyptians Against Religious Discrimination

Muḥammad Muntaṣīr

the spokesperson of the Muslim Brotherhood

Muḥammad Mursī (Author)


Muḥammad Mursī [Mohammed Morsi] (President)

President of Egypt, June 30, 2012 - July 3, 2013. Previously Muslim Brotherhood official spokesman; Member of the People's Assembly; Engineering professor at Zaqaziq University

Muḥammad Mūrū (Dr.)

Egyptian Writer

Muḥammad Muslim (Shaykh)
Muḥammad Muṣṭafā

Author; Journalist

Muḥammad Muṣṭafā al-Aʿẓamī [Muhammed Mustafa Al-Azami] (Dr.)

An Islamic Professor, Who Had Relation with Nasr Abu Zyeid

Muḥammad Muṣṭafā Shirdī [Mohamad Mostafa Sherdy]

TV-host at the Egyptian channel al-Mehwar

Muḥammad Muṭāwʿi ʿAllām (Mr.)

Author; Journalist for Al-Ahrām newspaper

Muḥammad Muwāfī
Muḥammad Najīb (President)

First president of the Arab Republic of Egypt (1953-1954)

Muḥammad Nāṣir

Muslim Brotherhood Journalist and Presenter

Muḥammad Nāṣir al-Dīn al-Albānī (Shaykh)

20th Century C.E. Albanian Islamic scholar of fiqh and hadith. A watchmaker and repairman by trade, he was also known as a historian of Islam.

Muḥammad Naṣr al-Dīn ʿAllām

Former minister of Irrigation and Water Resources

Muḥammad Nizāl

One leader of the Palestinian Ḥamas movement and a member of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement "Ḥamas"

Muḥammad Nūḥ

Egyptian musician

Muḥammad Nūr
Muḥammad Nūr al-Dīn (Major General)

Assistant to the Minister of Interior for Middle Upper Egypt; Former Chief of Security in Minya

Muḥammad Nūr Faraḥāt (Dr.)

Professor of Philosophy of Law; Constitutional Scholar

Muḥammad Qazzāz
Muḥammad Quṭb [Mohamed Qutb]

Brother of Sayyid Qutb who taught  Sayyid Qutb’s teachings at the King Abdel Aziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Muḥammad Rafīqī

Moroccan Islam researcher

Muhammad Rajab
Muḥammad Rājiḥ (composer)
Muḥammad Ramaḍān


Muḥammad Rashād (Brigade General)

Brigade General former head of the Egypt-Israel unit in the Egyptian military intelligence. 

Muḥammad Rashīd Qabbānī (Shaykh)

Grand Mufti of Lebanon (Since 1989)

Muḥammad Rashīd Riḍā (Shaykh)

Islamic Scholar; Most Prominent Disciple of Shaykh Muḥammad cAbduh; Author

Muḥammad Raʾfat ʿUthmān (Dr.)

Professor of Comparative Jurisprudence; Dean of the Faculty of Sharicah and Law

Muhammad Reza Pahlavi (Shah)

Shah of Iran


Muḥammad Rifʿat al-Saʿīd (Dr.)


Muḥammad Sābir ʿArab

  Minister of Culture

Muḥammad Ṣabra


Muḥammad Saḥnūn
Muḥammad Sakrān (Dr.)

Author; Professor in the Faculty of Education at Faiyum University

Muḥammad Ṣalāḥ (Football Player)

Egyptian football player for the Italian team “Fiorentina”

Muḥammad Ṣalāḥ (Journalist)

Egyptian journalist; Tv presenter; Director of al-Ḥayāh newspaper in Cairo; Wrote weekly articles in Rose al-Yūsuf magazine

Muhammad Ṣalāḥ (Shaykh and TV presenter)

CEO Huda satelite TV

Muḥammad Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Ḥāfiẓ

Chief Executive Officer of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency 1995

Muḥammad Salamāwī (Mr.)

Egyptian Writer and Translator; Secretary-General of the General Union of Arab Writers

Muḥammad Ṣāliḥīn
Muhammad Salīm Al-Awa
Muḥammad Salīm al-ʿAwā (Dr.)
Egyptian Islamist Thinker; Secretary-General of the World Association of Muslim Scholar; President of Egypt's Society for Culture and Dialogue
Muḥammad Sāmī
Muḥammad Ṣawāliḥī
Muḥammad Sayyid Aḥmad

Author, leftist intellectual; founding member of the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs

Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī
Muḥammad Sayyid Ṭanṭāwī (Shaykh)

Grand Imām of the Azhar Mosque and Grand Shaykh of Azhar University (1996-2010); Grand Muftī of Egypt (1986-1996)

Muhammad Sayyid TantƗwƯ
Muḥammad Saʿad Jāwīsh

a young member of the Salafist Call

Muḥammad Saʿad Khayrallāh

The founder of the Public Coalition for Resisting Egypt’s Islamization

Muḥammad Saʿad Tawfīq al-Katātnī [Mohammed Saad Tawfiq al-Katatny] (Dr.)

an Egyptian Islamist politician who has been the chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) since October 2012, and member of the Muslim Brotherhood's Guidance Office; Head of the Parliamentary Block of Muslim Brotherhood.

Muḥammad Saʿīd al-ʿAshmāwī (Dr.)

(1932 – 2013) Retired Egyptian Supreme Court justice; former head of the Court of State Security; Author 

Muḥammad Saʿīd Ramaḍān al-Būṭī

Turkish-Iraqi Muslim Scholar

Muḥammad Shaḥrūr [Muhammad Sharur] (Dr.)

Syrian intellectual; Professor of Civil Engineering; Islamic Thinker; Author

Muḥammad Shākir

Former ambassador of Egypt to the U.K.; Member of the Ibn Khaldūn Center’s board of trustees

Muḥammad Shāmah (Dr.)

Professor of Islamic studies in German, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University and Advisor to the Minister of Endowments

Muḥammad Shamāʿ (Dr.)

A professor at Al-Azhar University, Egypt

Muḥammad Sharīf

President of Minyah University

Muḥammad Shawqī al-Islāmbūlī [Gamaa al-Islaameya]

Member of al-Jamācah al-Islāmiyyah; Terrorist

Muḥammad Shawqī ʿAllām (Prof.)

Grand Mufti of Egypt

Muḥammad Shaʿbān (Dr.)

United Nations Under-Secretary-General for General Assembly and Conference Management

Muḥammad Shaʿbān al-Mūjī

Journalist in al-Wafd, al-Aḥrār and al-Qāhirah newspapers; Editor for Ṣawṭ al-cUrūbah newspaper

Muḥammad Shibl (Mr.)

Author; Retired General

Muḥammad Shīrīn Fahmī (Judge)
Muḥammad Shu`ayr
Muḥammad Subḥī

Egyptian actor

Muḥammad Suwayd
Muḥammad Suwaydān

 foreign relations secretary for the Brotherhood's political party in Alexandria

Muhammad Sven Kalisch
Muḥammad Ṭaha (Egyptian Journalist)
Muḥammad Ṭaha Muḥammad (Sudanese Journalist)

he was the editor-in-chief of the Sudanese newspaper al-Wifaq. Masked gunman abducted him in September 2008 and he was later beheaded. The reason was the publication of an article about prophet Muhammad that infuriated Islamists.  

Muḥammad Ṭarbiyyah

Journalist at al-Maydān

Muḥammad Tharwat

Author; Journalist

Muḥammad Tūsūn

Lawyer; Head of the lawyers affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood Group

Muḥammad V (King of Morocco)
Muḥammad VI (King of Morocco)

King of Morocco (Since 1999)
