Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
Sawt al-Azhar extends its sincere congratulations on the safe return of Pope Shenouda III from a trip abroad for medical treatment.
Contrary to the expectations of many, the muftī of the republic, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘a has apologized for not participating in the newly-formed Interfaith Dialogue Committee affiliated with the Azhar’s Islamic Research Academy.
Dr. ‘Abd al-‘Azīm Ramadān has called upon Islamic societies to issue a statement condemning terrorist groups as murtad [apostate from Islam].
Azharites are entitled to a privilege because study at the preparatory stage continues for four years, one year more than in ordinary education. Moreover, students in the Azhar have a heavy curriculum load, since they study the Azhar subjects as well as all of the education ministry curricula.
The Egyptian minister of Awqaf [Religious Endowments] Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq denied reports in an independent Egyptian newspapers claiming the presence of American pressure on Egypt to limit the construction of mosques. On another level, the Azhar strongly denied what an independent Egyptian...
The Grand Imam of the Azhar Dr. Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī received His Holiness Pope Shenouda III and the accompanying delegation that came to wish the Grand Imam a happy feast.
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