Displaying 31 - 40 of 121.
In an action that reflects the Muslim Brotherhood’s insistence on maintaining an active presence, in spite of its being excluded from the dialogue the ruling National Party is having with the opposition, the Supreme Guide of the Brotherhood received yesterday at his group’s headquarters the head of...
A political crisis flared up between Al-Wafd party and the Muslim Brotherhood following anti-Brotherhood statements made by the head of Al-Wafd Party. The fight started over an article written by No´man Gomaa and published in Al-Wafd newspaper only one day before the beginning of the national...
The spokesman for the Russian General Staff in the Northern Caucasus accused the Muslim Brotherhood of transferring three million dollars to the elected Chechen president who seeks to break away from the Russian Union. The Brotherhood also supports leaders of the Chechen fighters in order to ruin...
The author believes that Ma´amoun Al-Hodeibi is not fit to represent or lead the Muslim Brotherhood. He makes many mistakes in interviews. He is quick-tempered and he is used to say things that he does not mean. He should retire and take rest and if he would not do so, the Brotherhood should...
The writer comments on arresting former Parliament and Brotherhood member, Dr. Gamal Heshmat, in the light of the conflict between the security and the Muslim Brotherhood since 1995.
The resignation of the secretary of the Brotherhood bureau in Port Said was a strike to the group. He made it clear that the principles and the values of the group which prompted him to join it were destroyed.
The author comments on the statement of the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood about Copts, which he gave to Sout Al-Umma in a previous issue. The author believes that speaking about a partial representation for Copts is very dangerous as the result would be a plain sectarian system of ruling...
The article comments on the relation between Ma´amoun Al-Hodeibi, the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the group to show that he does not deserve his position.
The interview with the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, that was published in the previous issue of the paper, confirmed that the contemporary Islamic movement in general and the Muslim Brotherhood in specific are strongly advised to revise their way of thinking, their relationship with the...
The article is a comment on the statements which the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood gave to the paper, in its previous issue, concerning Copts and the group’s relation with those who oppose its opinions.


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