Displaying 11 - 20 of 34.
I avoid discussing the Wafā’ Costantine issue because I believe in everyone’s right to choose his/her own religion and that nothing can probe into our minds to change our faith.
The French social researcher and the professor at the Political Studies Institute of Paris, Gilles Kepel, discussed the urgent need for stopping Western attacks on the Islamic world in his book “The War for Muslim Minds.” He points out that it is the right time for reconciliation between the two...
The bishop for youth stressed that the attitude of the police towards those who went onto the streets and tried to cause damage or confront the security was the same in the cases of the Coptic Youths’ demonstration against Al-Nabaa and the Azhar students’ demonstration against the "Banquet for...
The dangerous difference between the tabloids in Egypt and elsewhere is that in Egypt they have sneaked in uncontrolled by the officials, to a public unaware of the credibility of such papers. Where does freedom of the press end and where do its responsibilities begin? Shutting down newspapers by...
Catholic father Rafiq Greish, Orthodox archpriest Salib Matta, and Protestant reverend Ikram Lamai responded to Rose El-Youssef’s article "seizing an extremist Christian group" The latter two did not restrict their arguments to the Adventists, but discussed the Catholic Church and popes. The author...
Nawal Al-Sa’adawi sent a letter to Rose El-Youssef to defend herself against the apostasy charges directed at her. She said that when she talked about going on pilgrimage and kissing the black stone, she spoke out of Sufi philosophy, which her father adopted and which gives priority to the core of...
The Egyptian government is accused of preventing the Muslim Brotherhood from taking part in the parliamentary elections and gagging the local Egyptian public. But put those accusations aside and you see that in fact all indications show that the government is serious about not mixing religion with...
The author interviewed Samir Mansour, who is said to be the Coptic candidate of the Muslim Brotherhood in the next parliamentary elections. The author arranged to meet him to find out the truth in this case. He asked him about how he was asked by the Brotherhood to represent them and what his...
This article discusses the technique false do’a [plural of Da’iya, preacher] and terrorists use to control simple people’s minds. The story, by which the author starts his article, and the image he used, help in conveying that causing fear and confusion to disable the mind from thinking properly,...
With the emergence of heavenly religions, man found his target and got answers for the questions that confused him. The Jews were materialistic and arrogant as the chosen people of God. Christianity had its beginnings characterized by idealism, utopia and extreme forgiveness. Islam was...


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