Displaying 31 - 40 of 99.
 The Parliamentary Elections in Egypt are planned for the people, but the exact date is yet to be announced by President Muḥammad Mursī
This interview was organized and carried out by Diana Serodio (DS) and took place March 5th 2013 with Diana Serodio (DS) and Fouad Masoud attending. This interview was carried out in the context of us preparing a report on how the new Egyptian Constitution came into being.
This meeting took place in the headquarters of the Freedom and Justice Party opposite the Ministry of Interior on December 11, 2012, only days before the referendum on December 15.  This report has been approved by the SGP delegation and Dr. Walīd al-Haddād in a second meeting of Diana Serôdio with...
This meeting took place in a teahouse in Zamālik on December 12, 2012, only days before the referendum on December 15. This text was approved by the SGP delegation and has been sent to Dr. Jamīlah Ismā’īl by the end of December who, however, has had no time to review this.
This meeting took place in one of the buildings belonging to the Presidential palace on December 10, 2012, only days before the referendum on December 15. Part of the area around the presidential palace was closed by the military and only could get in after Cornelis Hulsman had told an officer that...
On December 10, an SGP delegation met with Coptic Orthodox Bishop Musa about the draft Constitution and the place of Christians in Egypt. Michael Burslem did the language editing of this text and placed some comments. This text was sent to the SGP delegation for approval. Bishop Mūsā, however,...
The Coptic Orthodox Church’s Holy Synod unanimously named Bishop Raphael of Central Cairo Churches, who was one of the three finalists to the chair of Saint Mark, as secretary of the Synod instead of Bishop Bīshūy of Damietta. [‘Imād Khalīl, al-Misrī al-Yawm, Nov. 23, p. 4] Read original text in...
Thousands of Christians and Muslims attended the ceremony to enthrone Bishop Tawāḍrus II as the 118th Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church in succession of Pope Shinūdā III, who passed away in March. [Ashraf Sādiq, al-Ahrām, Nov. 19, p. 1] Read original text in Arabic
Dr. Nājih Ibrāhīm, a member of the al-Jamā’ah al-Islāmīyah (Islamic Group) Shūrá Council, said the Egyptian society is not read now for the implementation of the Islamic sharī’ah, urging the people in power to seek socio-political justice and public freedoms. [Munīr Adīb, al-Misrī al-Yawm, July 5,...
[Editor-in-chief Cornelis Hulsman: we received this analysis from a friend of Arab-West Report. It is an interesting analysis but I do not fully agree and made my remarks in the text below.


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