Displaying 81 - 90 of 99.
"Even if the whole nation were to disagree with Dr. Muhammad al-Barād‘ī...we do not approve or support this errant Fatwá from an errant Shaykh permitting the killing of the man," ‘Abd al-Mun‘im writes of the former head of the IAEC and Nobel Peace prize winner. He says that it is insanity for a...
An unknown Salafī shaykh has issued a fatwá allowing the shedding of the blood of Muhammad al-Barād‘ī, former Director of the International Atomic Energy Commission. State-supported newspapers had resumed their attacks on al-Barād‘ī when he returned to Cairo two weeks ago, focusing on his links to...
Christian priests have confirmed that security prevented them last Saturday from attending a meeting with Muhammad al-Barād‘ī, founder of the National Association for Change, at the house of a former diplomat in Minya. In statements made to al-Shurūq by a priest at the Samallūt bishopric, this was...
According to sources, the Muslim Brotherhood's resumption of support for Muhammad al-Barād‘ī is a reaction to the failure of the group's deal with the president's National Democratic Party over the recent parliamentary elections. Before the elections, television channel al-Jazeera asked Dr....
American resident and Egyptian geologist Rushdi Sa<sup>c</sup>īd said Egypt is in a “degraded” state. He pointed to the water crisis, education, health care and lack of democracy. Sa<sup>c</sup>īd claims that religious tension dominates society and that Al-fitnah al-tā’...
Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei said that people's motives behind changing their religion should not be questioned as it is a private matter that should only be questioned by God. When asked whether article 2 of the Egyptian constitution was responsible for poverty and corruption in Egypt, he said that the...
In an interview with CoptsUnited.com, Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei said that Copts have been ill-treated for decades and that society must come to terms with the issue and work to improve the situation. He warned against tyranny of the majority and said that the only way minorities can be safe is through...
Al-Dustūr writes about the relationship between al-Barād‘ī and the Muslim Brotherhood.
This article deals with the incidence of al-Barād‘ī visiting some of the historical and religious sights in Old Cairo.
Civil rights activist, Sa<sup>c</sup>d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, told Amr Adeeb that it would be legal for Gamal Mubarak to become president if article 76 in the Egyptian constitution were to be abolished. He also advised Mohamed Elbaradei to form a back-up plan in case his seven demands aren't...


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