Displaying 1 - 10 of 10.
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) inaugurated the new building of the MB party "Freedom and Justice" on May 21, 2011, in al-Muqattam. Each of both potential presidential candidate 'Amr Mūsá and Hamdīn Sabāhī, as well as 'Abd al-'Azīz Hijāzī, Rif'at al-Sa'īd, Sāmih 'Āshūr, Mahfūz 'Azām, Ambassador Rifā'...
This article sheds light on the different viewpoints about the application of hadd to apostates in Islam
Ḥanān Muḥammad reports on the opinions of Muslim scholars on the issue of whether Ḥadd al-Riddah should be applied to anyone who leaves Islam.
The article reports on the statements of Azhar scholars who launched a no holds-barred attack on the group of ‘al-Qur’āniyyūn’ or the Qur’ānis who consider the Qur’ān to be the sole source of Islam and neglect the importance of the Prophetic Sunnah. Opinions of the scholars conclude that whoever...
There is no median between a religious state and a civil state. Many observers consider the proposed constitutional amendments to be encouraging political Islamic groups. While Muslim groups deny any contradiction between article two of the Egyptian Constitution and the principles of citizenship,...
The Misyār marriage is an Islamic marriage that has emerged as life circumstances have changed. Dr. Muhammad al-Mukhtār al-Mahdī, a professor at the Azhar University [discipline not mentioned], says that “linguistically speaking, the Misyār means ’to drop by’.”
During last Thursday’s meeting of the Islamic Research Academy [http://www.isra.org.uk/], the grand imām of the Azhar, Shaykh Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī, revealed an initiative to form an interfaith dialogue committee affiliated to the academy.
A new [political] party that rejects Islam and Arabism submitted its papers last week to the committee of party affairs [affiliated to the Shura Council]. This party asks for the modification of the Egyptian constitution to remove the Islamic Shari’a as the primary legislative source of the...
Sub-titles: Dr. Abdel-Sabour Shahin: An international Islamic conference is needed to study how to choose the Sheikh Al-Azhar. Dr. Abdel-Azim Al-Matani: We must return to the old system: The Sheikh of the Azhar should be selected from the group of the Grand Ulama. Dr. Mohammed Ra’fat Othman: There...
Why does Islam allow the killing of an apostate from Islam? Why did non-Muslims have to pay the jizya? The author tries to answer both questions.
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