Displaying 41 - 50 of 156.
Muslim Brotherhood Murshid (Guide) Dr. Muhammad Badī’ said that the MB, watching the circumstances the country is going through, is reviewing the decision to agree on a presidential candidate. "The MB is not changing its stance on fielding a candidate for the presidency but the reason of reviewing...
For his part, Alexandria Governor Dr. Usāmah al-Fūlī announced naming a street in the central partof the Mediterranean city after Pope Shenouda to commemorate His Holiness. [Author Not Mentioned, al-Ahrām, March 27, p. 3] Read original text in Arabic [Reviewer’s Note: A report of the same content...
For his part, Alexandria Governor Dr. Usāmah al-Fūlī announced naming a street in the central partof the Mediterranean city after Pope Shenouda to commemorate His Holiness. [Author Not Mentioned, al-Ahrām, March 27, p. 3] Read original text in Arabic [Reviewer’s Note: A report of the same content...
The source also revealed that expatriate Copts will have the opportunity to vote over the next patriarch for the first time. [Ahmad al-Sa’dāwī, al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, March 27, p. 3] Read original text in Arabic
Meanwhile, a source at the papal seat of the Coptic Orthodox Church, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that a meeting attended by Bishop Mūsá on March 27 discussed suggestions of "explaining" some articles in the Statute on the Patriarch Election for year 1957, like Article 9, in which the...
Meanwhile, the Coptic Orthodox Holy Synod is meeting today at the papal headquarters in the Cairo district of al-‘Abbāssīyah to elect a committee which will make a list of nominees for the patriarchic chair. The committee, known as the 18-member committee, includes nine bishops and nine members of...
Meanwhile, the Coptic Orthodox Holy Synod is meeting today at the papal headquarters in the Cairo district of al-‘Abbāssīyah to elect a committee which will make a list of nominees for the patriarchic chair. The committee, known as the 18-member committee, includes nine bishops and nine members of...
Bishop Armīyā, the personal secretary of Pope Shenouda III, said the pope has apologized for not being able to deliver his weekly sermon on Wednesday (February 29). “The pope apologized on the sermon due to bad weather condition that kept thousands of Copts confined to their homes and also due to...
Meanwhile, the Coptic Evangelical Church delegation’s visit to the Muslim Brotherhood, during which the two sides discussed means to reach an agreement over national issues, has raised many questions about the group’s relations with the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. A few weeks after the January...
Meanwhile, the Coptic Evangelical Church delegation’s visit to the Muslim Brotherhood, during which the two sides discussed means to reach an agreement over national issues, has raised many questions about the group’s relations with the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. A few weeks after the January...


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