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Despite the prohibition of around 100 key members of the Muslim Brotherhood from participating in the parliamentary elections, the organization still hopes to present 200 candidates, including 10 women.
Over 200 Muslim Brotherhood candidates will run for parliament in several Egyptian governorates, said Muslim Brotherhood’s Deputy Supreme Guide, Dr. Muhammad Habīb.
Sixteen imprisoned members of the Brotherhood, including a number of professional syndicate activists, filed a lawsuit demanding to be released, arguing that they were convicted under item 48 of the penal code, which the Constitutional Court annulled.
The writer believes that Sout Al-Umma appears just to curse the Brotherhood. Whenever they succeed, the paper criticizes them and whenever they fail the paper considers this good news. If there is no news it fabricates some.
The presidential decree of October 27 sending 20 arrested members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood to military court has provoked a number of protests in Egypt.
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