Displaying 21 - 30 of 48.
Subtitles: Ibn Khaldoun Center sets a sectarian mutiny ablaze in Egypt. A call for federal Coptic rule, and to arm all minorities in the Arab world. The UN charter about minorities, an outset to the crumbling colonization plan in the area. El-Sha’ab of July 18, accuses Dr. Saad el-Din...
Egypt is often criticized abroad for its treatment of its Christian citizens. Prominent Coptic thinker Dr. Milad Hanna, confirmed that equality between Muslims and Christians is not there. Lu’iy Mahmoud Sa’id, himself a Muslim, describes how Muslim authors attacked Milad Hanna for stating his view...
A discussion of tolerance and the relationship between religion and politics in Egypt from the era of Muhammad Ali, through the Nasser and Sadat years and concluding with two choices for the future for Egypt.
The author reviews veteran journalist Muhammad Hasanayn Haykal’s opinions expressed on the Al -Jazeera channel about the Muslim Brotherhood and replies given by the group’s top leaders, in what looks like a face-off between Haykal and the supreme guide.
Veteran journalist Muhammad Hasanayn Haykal speaks on Al-Jazeera channel about his experiences with the Muslim Brotherhood and his meeting with the founder and leader of the group, as well as commenting on the group’s illicit activities, such as the assassination of Egypt’s Prime Minister al-...
This is an interview with ‘Abd Allah Kamāl, editor–in- chief of Rose al-Yousuf magazine on the recent challenges facing journalism and role played by his magazine.
The article a summary of a lengthy Arabic text Michael Meunier wrote to Father Marcos. He argues that the Copts of Egypt are a minority. Meunier introduced this text on the Copts Daily Digest of June 11 as “my response to those ignorant in Egypt who have no idea what the term means or whom it...
The Coptic Orthodox Church expressed its displeasure with the Personal Status Law of 1955 pertaining to the application of Islamic sharīca on Coptic marriages in case either spouse change his/her denomination or converted to Islam.
The text of a lecture on human rights and civil society in Egypt, including a discussion on numbers of exaggerated stories in the West, rumors and civil society.
The author believes that “Rano Series to Teach the Coptic Language” is an attempt to destroy the national unity between Muslims and Christians. He wonders why they call for reviving the Coptic language although the Egyptian church speaks Arabic.


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