Displaying 111 - 120 of 154.
The text of the speech of the Ambassador to the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt.
The Chicago document offers a practical solution to set up an Egyptian lobby in the US. However, the author of the paper has argued that this lobby could never be formed unless full citizenship rights are materialized and Coptic problems are solved.
Martyr Imām Hasan al-Bannā wrote about the relationship between Arabism and Islam, saying they were almost identical since the Prophet Muhammad was an Arab, Islam grew in the Arabian Peninsula and the Qur’ān was revealed in Arabic.
Forty-six-year-old Ms Costantin left home as usual on Saturday 27 November to go to work at the local office of the Agricultural Reform Authority where she is an agriculturalist, and has not been seen since. She was reported missing at the local police station.
Dr. Nabil Luka Bebawi has written a book titled “Islam spread by the sword, true or false?” He explains that Islam is innocent of the claim that it spread by the edge of the sword. The Sheikh of the Azhar thanked Bebawi for his book and recommended that the book be translated into many foreign...
The Protestant Community Council in Egypt held a meeting on the Day of Palestine. Representatives of the Grand Imam and other religious and political figures attended the meeting.
Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the People’s Assembly, Dr. Mustafa al-Fiqī, argues that it would be better for Muslims and Arabs to admit the Holocaust, arguing that denying Nazi crimes causes offense and plays into the hands of the Jews.
Three Muslim scholars issued a strange fatwa that was published in Al-Haqiqa [the Truth] newspaper. The three scholars object to the appointment of Dr. Youssef Boutros Ghali as Minister of Finance because, according to them, a non-Muslim must not preside over the Bayt Al-Mal [public treasury] of...
No one can deny that national unity and religious brotherhood have been and will remain part and parcel of Egypt’s national textile, a fact that is established and acknowledged inside and outside Egypt. Religious groups that penetrated the Egyptian society and spread their ideologies threaten Egypt...
Coptic sources expected Pope Shenouda would change his stance and agree to meet with members of the committee. Dr. Mustafa Al-Fiqi, head of the Foreign Affairs Committee at the People’s Assembly, stated that the [American] committee would not discuss issues related to Egyptian domestic affairs. Al-...


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