Displaying 91 - 100 of 154.
The Coptic Orthodox Church is currently celebrating the return of Pope Shenouda III to Egypt after undergoing spinal surgery at the Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, United States of America. The celebrations coincided with the 35th anniversary of His Holiness’ enthronement as pope of Alexandria...
The transcript of an interview conducted by Cornelis Hulsman with Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá, in which Mūsá provides a background of his work and publications. Mūsá further describes his own experiences and confrontations with the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt.
The author comments on the role and achievements of the National Council for Human Rights in Egypt.
During sessions of the Islamic ideology meeting in al-Husayn area, Dr Mustafá al-Fiqī urged the Minister of Awqāf to give a speech about Islam at the same German university where Pope Benedict XVI attacked Islam.
Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif stirred controversy by suggesting the existence of a private Brotherhood army while at the same time causing friction within the ruling National Democratic Party with his recent statements.
Discussing freedom of expression, mixing this with other interests such as in the conversion of Māhir al-Jawharī.Coptic author Robeir al- Faris’ comments on statements of prominent politician Dr. Mustafa al-Fiqi on the place of Copts in Egypt. Church efforts to ban certain publications. Many young...
Western history is full of falsifications against Islam. The real conflict is not between Muslims and Christians of the region, but between the West and the Islamic orient.
Rev. Dr. John Watson writes that all religious institutions live by internal conflict. The real conflict is not between Muslims and Christians of the region, but between the West and the Islamic orient.
On August 2, 1997 the L.A Times published an alleged claim of Christians being tortured in Pakistan, but at the same time, nothing was mentioned about the confirmed massacres perpetrated daily by Israel, protected by the right of veto. On August 14, 1997, the same newspaper published an...
This report summarizes some of the opinions of Egyptian intellectuals about the issue of deleting religious identity from on identity cards.


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