Displaying 131 - 140 of 154.
In dealing with the “other”, we need to engage ourselves openly with other cultures by attempting to understand their ways of thinking, identities, hopes and various philosophies. This should be accomplished without compromising our Egyptian identity, just as the “other” would not compromise his...
Stating one’s religion on ID cards has been a hot topic for several weeks. In this article, Dr. Mustafa al-Fiqī defends his point of view.
A conference was held at the Arab League headquarters to discuss the image of the Arabs in the eyes of other civilizations. The conference aimed at finding a formula by which to confront the Western attack against Arabs and Muslims following the 11th September attack.
The president of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the People’s Assembly affirmed the importance of changing the Arabic discourse for a better understanding of the other [the West]. He said that there is an Arabic-Islamic revival that should be turned into an active civilizing power. He added that...
The author speaks about the absent role of the Islamic religious institution and gives his perception of the role it should play. He believes that the Islamic religious institution is not able to spread an awareness of Islam in the West, which believes Islam to be the new enemy of western...
The bishop for youth stressed that the attitude of the police towards those who went onto the streets and tried to cause damage or confront the security was the same in the cases of the Coptic Youths’ demonstration against Al-Nabaa and the Azhar students’ demonstration against the "Banquet for...
Pope Shenouda declared to members of the Maglis El-Milli that among his proposals for solving Coptic problems was the formation of a committee of the wise men of the state whose task would be to study Coptic positions and determine the causes of the problems as well as working in complete secrecy.
The author commented on Tareq Al-Bishri’s article, in which he compared the attitude of the State towards the Coptic youth demonstrations against what Al-Nabaa published to the Azhar students’ demonstrations against the publication of the "Banquet for Seaweed." He believes that the State was very...
Dr. Mohammed Emara said that Islamic thinkers are excluded from being granted the state award of merit because those who are in charge of granting the award are Dr. Younan Labib Rizq, Dr. Mourad Wahba, and Dr. Milad Hanna [they are all Christians]. In effect, these three represent only 10% of the...
The crisis of Al-Nabaa shows the fact that Egyptians are targeted and that damaging their national unity is a historical issue. Egypt has a wide range of media influence to make something a matter of concern. Many regional and international powers are looking with worry at Egypt’s national unity....


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