Displaying 1 - 10 of 19.
This article discusses opposing stories about the alleged kidnap and torture of a young Muslim man.
Maximus re-opens dialogue with Israel by giving members of his congregation permission to visit Israel. The author also discusses informal trade links with the “enemy” Israel.
The author focuses on the Coptic library of Mar Marqus which contains a large number of rare manuscripts and books, as well as Pope Shenouda’s decision to appoint 40 Coptic public figures to the library’s board of trustees.
Sout Al-Umma allocates a special file to famous Coptic figures - politicians, writers and men of religion - and their national stands.
Copts are used to join Egyptian political circles, whether in the government or the parliament, through appointments [not through elections]. There are many reasons that led to this situation. There are three Coptic families monopolizing political positions offered to Copts; two of them, the Ebeids...
His Holiness Pope Shenouda III is an extremely wise and intellectual man, a unique person who knows and understands a lot. He has a long living memory that goes back in history.
The General Secretary of the Supreme Council of Antiquities inaugurated the wall paintings restoration project, in Anba Antonius Church [in the Monastery of Antonius], in the Red Sea governorate. He said that the restoration of the 13th century-paintings had been done by an Italian group, under the...
Christian pilgrims on the route of the Holy Family were surprised last week to discover that the so-called worshipping tree in the Muslim village of Nezlet Abed near the pilgrimage site at Gebel el-Teir had been chopped into pieces by local farmers. Local Christians claim the tree was 2000 years...
The Coptic Orthodox Church celebrated Christmas on January 7. The Saturday evening mass, which lasted 2.5 hours was broadcast live on Egyptian TV. Many prominent Egyptians were present. Channel 3, interviewed Pope Shenouda, the Grand Imam and others about national unity. Of course, both Muslims and...
This article is divided into two parts. The first part is what Al-Ahram wrote about "Sports and Championship" program for children The second part comments on what Al-Ahram reported showing that it did not mention that "Sports and Championship" is a Christian sports program that was arranged by...


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