Displaying 1 - 10 of 12.
A Saudi judge called for the hadd punishment* of a Tunisian singer because she allegedly compared herself to the Prophet. Some Arab countries demanded the execution of another singer as it was said that she named her dog after one of the prophets. A third singer was imprisoned as he was charged...
The author apologizes to the Lebanese singer, Najwa Karam and to other Arab entertainers for being falsely accused by Egyptian papers of insulting Islam and causing harm to Egypt. Karam’s case was not the first of its kind. Several other Arab entertainers including singers, actors and actress have...
Less than one week after her eviction from Egypt, the Egyptian Ministry of Interior announced on April 9, that it was lifting the travel ban it had imposed on Lebanese singer Najwa Karam.
The real issue in the current controversy surrounding Najwa Karam, the Lebanese singer, is that of incriminating people without proof, of passing judgment on them without hearing their defense. The case of Ms. Karam could occur in totalitarian regimes, not in Egypt.
The Charge: "She insults religion, despises and ridicules the Prophet." Thus accused, her punishment was immediately issued - without trial.
Police at Cairo Airport denied Lebanese singer Najwa Karam entry last Thursday and sent her back to Beirut aboard the same plane she had boarded to Egypt.
Nagwa Karam sent a letter to the Minister of Information, Safwat Al-Sherif, urging him to allow her to enter Egypt. The Lebanese singer who is accused of insulting Islam said that she is innocent of all these untrue accusations. Nagwa made clear that she is facing a campaign aiming at distorting...
On April 3, 1999, the security authorities of Cairo Airport prevented the Lebanese singer Najwa Karam from entering Egypt. [It is alleged that the] Lebanese singer [had] insulted Islam by giving her dog a name of one of the prophets. [It is further alleged] that she also insulted Egypt in a TV...
The chairman of Radio and Television Union issued secret instructions banning broadcasting of Najwa Karam’s songs in Egyptian media. Over the last 3 weeks the Lebanese singer was accused of insulting heavenly religions when she named her song after one of the prophets. If the charges are proved,...
The rumor is that Najwa Karam had announced, in a television interview for Orbit satellite television that she has a dog called ’Hamoudi’ which is the Lebanese nickname for ’Mohammed’. It is said that the program while being aired received countless calls of protests, including a call from a Saudi...


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