Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
Intercultural and interreligious dialogue brought Cornelis Hulsman from a conservative Christian Reformed bubble in the Netherlands to a deeply ecumenical attitude, refraining from absolutist statements about faith since any religion is the outcome of a human search for meaning in life.
Claims that Pakistani Christian children sold as slaves to fund Islamic militants and that the police have failed to take action, despite two Christian missionaries providing photographic evidence of children being sold.
Patrick Sookhdeo is the Director of the Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity, a Christian research organization that specialises in the study of Christian minorities in Islamic states. Born in British Guyana, he converted from Islam to Christianity in his early 20s and now warns,...
The importance and ideas of CIDT. New Coptic Catholic Patriarch Bishop Antonius Najīb will continue recommending AWR work. Rev. Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo, founder and director of the Barnabas Fund, on Islam which differs from AWR that advocates an understanding of Islam that is non-confrontational and...
By far the majority of Muslims today live their lives without recourse to violence, for the Koran is like a pick-and-mix selection. If you want peace, you can find peaceable verses. If you want war, you can find bellicose verses. You can find verses which permit only defensive jihad, or you can...
While those who convert to Islam, such as Cat Stevens, Jemina Khan, and Lord Birt, the former BBC Director – General, can publicly celebrate their new religion, those whose faith goes in the other direction face persecution. Muslims who lose their faith face execution or imprisonment, in line with...
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