Displaying 341 - 350 of 378.
The latest rumor about sectarian unrest has been about a Christian woman who was assaulted in Awlad Ragab [a supermarket] in Cairo. The story is merely an incident of misbehavior and impoliteness by a security worker of a supermarket. Some priests at the churches warned Christian women against...
Sinai is the wilderness walked through by the Sons of Israel on their way to Mount Sinai. The Sinai wilderness and Mount Sinai are mentioned 35 times in the Old Testament. Sinai was assaulted in 1956 and then in 1967, after which the land was liberated in 1973 and the Israeli people went back to...
An Evangelical pastor, Adly Bassilious has been distributing leaflets accusing a number of Evangelical pastors of stealing and converting Muslim girls into Christians. He filed a complaint at the Waily district police station accusing the Church of the Synod of the Nile owned [the Arabic text used...
We regret we have to inform you that the Council of State has again postponed a decision about our request for NGO status. The next hearing has been scheduled for October 9, 2005.
The writer, the head of the Evangelical denomination in Egypt, praises the initiative of President Muhammad Hosni Mubarak that establishes the National Council for Human Rights
Last week, the TV channel Sat 7, a Christian missionary satellite channel, received tens of angry messages from Muslim viewers concerning the missionary channel’s program, “Questions in Faith,” that is directed at Muslims. The program discusses sensitive issues in Islamic fiqh [jurisprudence]...
We support reform that emerges from our need for it and that is carried out by our hands, our minds and our will. We know our needs and we realize our reality, and we aspire to reform. There is no alternative to this kind of reform, but it requires crisis management skills, a will and a belief...
The ongoing process of obtaining NGO status. Dr. Meinardus visits Cairo and recommends writing a book for the understanding of contemporary concepts of martyrdom and persecution in the Coptic Orthodox Church. Dutch businessman Frans Derksen of Fayoum Oases development consulted AWR for advice when...
The Grand Imam of the Azhar Dr. Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī received His Holiness Pope Shenouda III and the accompanying delegation that came to wish the Grand Imam a happy feast.
The Bible says “no divorce except for marital unfaithfulness.” Pope Shenouda insists on applying the Biblical text literally thinking, that he should obey God, not the people.


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