Displaying 61 - 70 of 204.
Hibah al-Sharqāwī, the author, criticizes the Azhar’s Islamic Research Academy for practicing a form of intellectual terrorism when it claims the right to confiscate books not only with Islamic themes but books from all other fields as well.
French researcher and Director of CEDEJ in Cairo Alain Roussillon passed away, a few days ago.
The author talks about the Muslim Brotherhood and their ideology as an example of the so-called ’Islamized Terrorism’ which is based on a deliberate confusion between Islam and political interests.
The article talks about fears of using violence by the banned Muslim Brotherhood group in order to reach power in Egypt, following in the steps of its ally the Ḥamās group in Gaza.
The author refutes Maḥmūd Shākir’s attacks on Judaism and Christianity by citing Qur’ānic verses and moderate interpretations of the Qur’ān that admire both Christians and Jews.
A few days before the Shūrá Council elections, the government began a massive security raid of the Muslim Brotherhood organization and detained many of the group’s supporters. Senior officers of the Brotherhood defined the procedures as a prepared plan to rig the results of the election.
Let’s quickly look at some quotations from the writings of Sayyed Qutb. In his book “Al-Islam wa Mushkelat Al-Hadara” [Islam and the dilemmas of civilization], Qutb wrote “A thousand books about Islam, a thousand sermons in mosques and a thousand films about Islam are not enough. Creating a small...
In a new book expected to stir controversy, the Jamā‘a Islāmīya in Egypt criticizes the ideology of several fundamentalist movements and their takfīr [the act of accusing someone of unbelief] of regimes and individuals.
John Watson provides a review of John Fullerton’s novel entitled, ‘This Green Land.’ It is a story that focuses on a young Christian woman, Reem, who was brainwashed and subsequently used by violent ideologies and beliefs. Fullerton provides an insight into the origins of terrorist and extremists...
While the government clamps down on the Muslim Brotherhood to allegedly prevent them from winning seats in the Shūrá Council elections, the outlawed group witnesses internal disputes.


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