Date of source: Saturday, May 15, 2004
A husband whose wife gets divorce based on the personal status code for Orthodox Copts, regulating the affairs of marriage and divorce and other related matters, filed a lawsuit in which he challenged the code unconstitutional. The complainant argues the Holy Bible, which is the first source of...
Date of source: Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Historical writings on the history of Copts or Egyptian Christians are very rare because of sensitivity that makes many researchers fear tackling Coptic history. Sources of Coptic history are also very rare.
Dr. Muhammad Afifi is one of the most important researchers who gave attention to Coptic...
Date of source: Thursday, May 27, 2004
The TV Channel of Al-Hayat, broadcast on the European Satellite, claims to be calling for Christianity and at the same time it is quite far from Christian morals that urge tolerance and respect to the faiths of others. A large number of Coptic intellectuals became aware of the threats posed by the...
Date of source: Monday, May 31, 2004
Archpriest Habeel Tawfiq is accused of illegally taking possession of LE50,000. The money was given to Habeel by his son Magid, [in his capacity as] chairman of the Association of Martyr Mari Mina and Pope Kyrillos, as a donation to the Church of the Virgin Mary and Habeel the Pious. It was later...
Date of source: Thursday, June 3, 2004
Participants in the Islamic-Christian Dialogue Conference in Doha did not reach a conclusion concerning the topics discussed in the course of the conference. The discussion focused on the issue of mutual recognition between Islam and Christianity, and on whether representatives of the Jewish faith...
Date of source: Saturday, June 12, 2004
Next Saturday, the Coptic researcher, Nabil Luqa Bebawy will discuss his Ph.D thesis. titled “The Rights and Duties of Christians in Muslim Countries and How they Affect National Security.” at the headquarters of the Faculty of High Education at the Police Academy.
Bebawy explained that he sought...
Date of source: Tuesday, June 15, 2004
During Lent in 1976, the restoration and enlargement of the church of St. Macarius at the Monastery of Abu Maqqar [St. Macarius], the relics of John the Baptist and Elijah were found next to the sanctuary of Pope Benjamin.
Date of source: Tuesday, June 22, 2004
In a lecture held at the Alexandria Sporting Club, the Grand Imam of the Azhar, Dr. Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, and Pope Shenouda III, the Patriarch of Alexandria, called for the teaching of ethics in schools, in addition to a religious education class that should not be eliminated.
The two religious...
Date of source: Monday, June 21, 2004
Habeel has formed a new church called the Church of the Virgin, the Mother of the Light, and the Habeel the Pious. Anyone who knows him would know that he seeks fame. He also wants to form a Christian political party and has submitted a request to the Committee of Political Party Affairs. The...
Date of source: Thursday, June 24, 2004
My study titled “Hoqoq wa wagebat Al-Maseheen fi Al-Dawla Al-Islamiya” [the Duties and rights of Christians in the Islamic state], tackled some of the problems Copts in Egypt face, and I have also mentioned scientific solutions that would maintain the balance of the government and the inherited...