Displaying 11 - 20 of 83.
The conservative cleric Yūsuf al-Badrī has requested that the Islamic Dā‘iyah Su‘ād Sālih publicly repent over three fatwás concerning her stances toward artists, as well as her rejection of divorce via SMS.
The authors of the article argue that citizenship is the only solution to achieve equality between followers of different religions in a country. They discuss the issue with Muslim and Coptic intellectuals.
The following text presents a number of the most popular Islamic Dā‘iyahs in the modern time.
The press review detects the ongoing discussions in Egyptian press on the chaos of Fatwás, especially the reactions to the recent Fatwá of the Egyptian Muftī Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah who refused to consider the Egyptian young men who drowned on the Italian cost to be martyrs.
The Muftī of Egypt faced a storm of criticism following his ’controversial’ remarks about the Egyptian youths who died on the Italian shores while trying to cross the border illegally in search of a better life, in which he condemned their illegal acts and refused to consider them martyrs.
The article deals with the danger of "globalizing" Fatwás. A group of Muslim scholars from outside the Arab world highlight the effect of issuing general Fatwás on Muslim minorities in non-Muslim countries. The author cites more than one Muslim scholar who stress that Fatwás should be specific to...
Shawqī ‘Isām reports on a recent polemic Fatwá issued by Dr. ‘Abd Allāh Samak prohibiting Muslim females from hiring taxis unless they are escorted by mahrams. cIsām described the Fatwá as naïve, presenting opinions of Muslim scholars who criticized it.
Muḥammad Nūr reports on the opinions of Egyptian Muslim scholars about a recent Fatwá allowing time-limited marriage contracts.
Shaykh Yūsuf al-Badrī files communiqu?©s to the General Prosecutor against those who he thinks abuse religion or have different opinions.
Rose al-Yūsuf magazine publishes a report about the spread of Zāwiyahs in the streets of Cairo. The weekly magazine reviews a report published by the U.S. Los Angeles Times about Zāwiyahs.


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