Displaying 31 - 37 of 37.
The author is criticizing the influence of clerics on the minds of the ordinary people, calling for an end to this clerical domination in order to allow the people to think for themselves, not through a class of theocrats.
Sulaymān Shafīq says that the turnout for the recent presidential and parliamentary elections has revealed that nearly 80 percent of Egyptians are "out of service.”
Sulaymān Shafīq argues that according to the 1995 statistics [Reviewer's note: The author perhaps was mistaken because the statistics were conducted in 1996, not 1995, as Christian surveys are usually made every 10 years and the last ones took place in 1986], Copts represent 22.5 percent of the...
Any neutral observer of official institutions – political, religious, educational or health – would easily discover a schizophrenic Egyptian character coupled with an absence of conscience.
In his book "The Risk in the Deal Between the Government and the Groups of Violence", Abdel Rahim, a journalist for Al-Ahali, speaks about the confrontation between the government and the groups of violence and the deal between them. The book speaks about the "initiative of the Jihad organization"...
As reported in the last issue of the RNSAW, 'Amīr S. Ibrāhīm, son of Dr. Saʿd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, expressed his readiness to respond to all questions related to allegations in the Egyptian press. Dr. Saʿd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm made a statement before the State Security Prosecutors and 'Amīr thinks this...
The strangest thing in the events of Al-Koshh was the campaign that was waged by the State authorities against the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, that was used as a scapegoat by the security to cover its violations and acts of group torture.


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