Displaying 1 - 10 of 11.
‘Ulā Muṣṭafá ‘Āmir reports on the statements of Dr. Muḥammad Sayyid Ṭanṭāwī, the grand Imām of the Azhar, about his willingness to hold meetings with leaders of the Franciscan monastic order to discuss means of mutual cultural and human cooperation.
The press review detects the ongoing discussions in Egyptian press on the chaos of Fatwás, especially the reactions to the recent Fatwá of the Egyptian Muftī Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah who refused to consider the Egyptian young men who drowned on the Italian cost to be martyrs.
A Muslim-Christian conference has been held to face, what the author describes as, the chaos of religious freedom of expression.
Several Muslim scholars agree on that Muslim women are not allowed to marry non-Muslim men, despite Sudanese leader Hasan al-Turābī’s controversial statements allowing Muslim women to marry Jewish or Christian men.
The article is an interview with the head of the American Fiqh Council. He speaks about the role of the council and how it corrects wrong notions about Islam. He also comments on the issue of renewing the religious discourse and the problems Muslims face in North America.
The article gives the text of the statement of the Islamic Research Institute issued by the Sheikh of the Azhar and the Chairman of the Institute. He totally condemned the terrorist operations in Riyadh and Casablanca.
Many Azhar scholars have rejected female circumcision and even criminalized it based on the notion that the practice has never been a duty or obligation in Islam and there are no texts in the Qur’ān or sunna [the Prophet Muhammad’s tradition] that encourage it.
Listing of articles published on the occasion of Eastern Christmas.
Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, the Minister of Awqaf [Religious Endowments], stressed that his ministry did not breach the rules of Shari’a or infringe on fundamental aspects of Islamic religion when it adopted a project aiming at unifying the azan of Greater Cairo’s mosques. In a press conference, the...
President Mubarak’s message at the Sixteenth conference of the Higher Council for Islamic Affairs was read by Prime Minister Atef Ebeid; the president stated that the world needs peace and security and effort towards further understanding between nations and to bring about cooperation between...


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