Displaying 21 - 30 of 34.
Like many others, I felt sad and angry watching that repressive “melodrama” by some symbols of extremism in a clear attempt to harm screenwriter Usama Anwar Okasha, a man of enlightened creativity. Matters went even worse as some had filed a hisba [the right of a Muslim to defend public morality,...
Over and over again, we are just seeing the same incidents, names and climate that brought about terrorism, takfir [accusing someone of unbelief] and hisba [the right of a Muslim to defend public morality, suing on behalf of religion]. - See art. 18, 19: Screening the Soap Opera "Bint min Shurba...
The 1994 fatwa declared the Azhar to be exclusively the sole body/party responsible for issuing opinions Islamic matters. These matters pertain to accepting or rejecting audio or audiovisual items. This fatwa has given the Azhar the legal right to monitor and supervise the intellectuals and...
The bishop for youth stressed that the attitude of the police towards those who went onto the streets and tried to cause damage or confront the security was the same in the cases of the Coptic Youths’ demonstration against Al-Nabaa and the Azhar students’ demonstration against the "Banquet for...
The production company claims the film is approved by the Azhar. The paper interviewed scriptwriters, directors, actors, and cartoonists on whether it was allowable to talk about Mohammed through a cartoon and whether the American production team were the most knowledgeable to produce such a film....
[Editor’s note: Due to personal problems of the translator the translation could not be finished. A complete translation of the article will be published in week 15] Al-Midan newspaper organized a debate between the Muslim Brothers and Egyptian intellectuals. It was moderated by Midan’s editor in...
Many Islamic scholars question the value of artistic films. Many of them reject the representation of a sheikhh or ma’azun [marriage official] on the screen. Others, however, want to use the film as a means to spread Islam.
Response to previous articles about Dr. Nasr Abu Zayd in the RNSAW. Dr. Abu Zayd dreams about returning to Egypt. But return is only possible if he has the freedom to teach.
It is time to do Dr. Nasr Hamed Abu Zeid justice and give him his credit back and remove the injustice done to him. We need his mind, his thinking and his personal interpretation in a phase in which Egypt suffers of the scarcity of intellectuals and lives a mixed and mingled reality that needs big...
Emigrant Copts were involved in negative publications about Egypt. They were pushed by irresponsible practices and criminal acts aimed at the Egyptian Copts. Secondly they exaggerated until it reached the edge of paranoia.


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