Displaying 31 - 40 of 60.
Muhammad ‘Abd al-Quddous interviews Dr. Sa‘d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm over the U.S. Copts’ conference recently held in Washington.
A look at the various reasons for Coptic candidates’ failure in the elections, such as the church’s endorsement of candidates and the fundamentally sectarian basis on which they often enter the race.
An Egyptian lawyer filed a lawsuit against a number of prominent key figures, demanding a fixed annual sum from the government’s budget to be spent on the Coptic Orthodox Church.
The NDP’s list of candidates for the 2005 People’s Assembly elections contains only two Coptic names. The writer examines whether the lack of Coptic representation is caused by passivity within the Coptic community, or whether there are other obstacles.
The exclusion of the Coptic political figures from the NDP’s slate for the parliamentary elections has created turmoil amongst the Copts.
Copts are used to join Egyptian political circles, whether in the government or the parliament, through appointments [not through elections]. There are many reasons that led to this situation. There are three Coptic families monopolizing political positions offered to Copts; two of them, the Ebeids...
Three Muslim scholars issued a strange fatwa that was published in Al-Haqiqa [the Truth] newspaper. The three scholars object to the appointment of Dr. Youssef Boutros Ghali as Minister of Finance because, according to them, a non-Muslim must not preside over the Bayt Al-Mal [public treasury] of...
Religious obsession is sweeping through Egyptians’ minds. Muslims are obsessed with having full control while Christians are obsessed with withdrawing from social activities to look for the traits and strengths of closed communities. Such a tense atmosphere serves as a rich soil for the growth of...
Egyptian media and political leaders paying attention to Coptic Christmas. Watani’s Editor-in-chief Yusuf Sidhom’s discusses the term ’ persecution’ in describing the position of Christians in Egypt.
The bishop for youth stressed that the attitude of the police towards those who went onto the streets and tried to cause damage or confront the security was the same in the cases of the Coptic Youths’ demonstration against Al-Nabaa and the Azhar students’ demonstration against the "Banquet for...


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