

List of persons names (and their functions) used in AWR-Articles

(Click on name to display relevant articles)

Name Function
Muḥammad al-Shaḥāt al-Jindī (Dr.)


Muḥammad al-Shammāʾ

Editor-in-Chief of "Akhir Sacah" magazine

Muḥammad al-Sharqāwī

Author; Journalist; member of Kifāiyyah party

Muḥammad al-Taḥlāwī (Dr.)


Muḥammad al-Yaʿqūbī (Shaykh)

Director of Islam Centre Goetenburg, Sweden

Muḥammad al-Zahrāwī
Muḥammad al-Zawāhirī [Mohamed al-Zawahiri]

Egyptian Islamist Jihaddist

Muḥammad al-Zughbī (Shaykh)
Muḥammad al-Zuraqānī

Former editor-in-chief of Al-Liwā’ Al-Islamī newspaper; Author

Muḥammad al-ʿArīfī

Saudi preacher

Muḥammad al-ʿAṣār

Assistant to the Minister of Defense

Muḥammad al-ʿIzbī Pasha

Egyptian minister of interior in 1934

Muhammad Ali Margouna
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Amīn (author)

Author; Journalist

Muḥammad Anwar al-Sādāt (President)

President of Egypt (1970-1981)

Muhammad Arkoun (Dr.)

Algerian Islamic scholar; Emeritus Professor at Sorbonne University (France); Senior Research Fellow and member of the Board of Governors of The Institute of Ismaili Studies; Author

Muhammad Ashafa (Imam)
Muḥammad Badīʿ (Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood)

8th General Guide of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood


Muḥammad Badr (Gen.)
Muḥammad Badrān (Gen.)
Muḥammad Badrān (Politician)

 President of the Future of the Country Party

Muḥammad Bakhīt (Shaykh)

Particpated in a roundtable discussion initiated by AWR on the amendment of Art. 2 of the Constitution (see AWR-Paper Nr. 40 )

Muḥammad Bāqir al-Ṣadr (Cleric)
Muḥammad Barakāt (Mr.)

Editor-in-chief of Akhbār al-Ḥawadith newspaper; TV Presenter of Confrontation show

Muḥammad Bashīr (EIPR)
Muḥammad Basyūnī (Diplomat)

Egyptian ambassador to Israel (1988-2001)

Muḥammad Biltājī [Muhammad Beltagi] (Dr.)
Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader who rose to prominence in the years 2012-2013
Muḥammad Bin Rashīd

ruler of Dubai

Muḥammad bin Salmān (Prince - Saudi Arabia)

crown prince of Saudi Arabia

Muḥammad bin Zāyid āl-Nahiyān (Shaykh)
Muḥammad Bishr (Dr.)

Member of the Muslim Brotherhood; Professor at Faculty of Engineering

Muḥammad Būyirī

Murderer of Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh (2004)

Muḥammad Darb Allāh

Vice president of the Cassation court

Muḥammad Dāwud (Professor) (Dr.)

Professor of Islamic Studies at Suez Canal University

Muḥammad Fahmī

Al-Jazeera journalist. 

Muḥammad Farīd Ḥasanayn (Eng.)

Egyptian businessman; Former Member of the people's Assembly

Muḥammad Farīd Khamīs ‎
Muḥammad Fārūq [Muhammad Farouk]

Muḥammad Farūq is an Egyptian human rights lawyer living in Cairo, he was in charge of haphazard arrest of Syrian refugees after the presidency of Muhammad Mursī in July 2013

Muḥammad Fatḥī


Muḥammad Fawda (Editor)

Former editor of the Egyptian government daily al-Masā'

Muḥammad Fāʾiq (Dr.)

Chairman of the Arab Organization for Human Rights (AOHR), Former Minister of Information

Muḥammad Futūḥ (Dr.)

Professor of Literary Criticism, Faculty of Dār al-cUlūm; Author

Muḥammad Fuʾād al-Barāzīl

Chairman of the Islamic League in Denmark

Muḥammad Ghunīm (Dr.)


Muhammad Ghunīm, the urology professor

Muḥammad Ḥabīb (Dr.)

Deputy of the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood; Dean of the Faculty of Science at Asyut University


Muḥammad Ḥajjāj

lawer, particpated in a roundtable discussion initiated by AWR on the amendment of Art. 2 of the Constitution (see AWR-Paper Nr. 40 )


Muḥammad Ḥamdī


Muḥammad Hānī


Muḥammad Ḥassan
Muḥammad Ḥassān Amīr (Al-Dustur)
Muḥammad Ḥassān [Muhammed Hassan] (Shaykh)

Salafī preacher

Muḥammad Ḥassanayn Haykal (Journalist and Political Advisor)

Egyptian journalist an author; Editor-in-Chief of Ahrām newspapers (1957-1974); Advisor to presidents Nasser and Sadat

Muḥammad Ḥassūna

Mohammed Hassouna (b.1933), chairman of the Egyptian Moral Rearmament Association (EMRA)

Muḥammad Ḥātim al-Qāḍī


Muḥammad Ḥijāzī [Muhammad Higazi]

Muhammad Hijāzī, born in Port Said in 1982, converted to Christianity in 1998 at the age of 16. Now 31, he was arrested on December 4, 2013 in the governorate of Minya on charges of espionage, inciting sectarian tension through evangelism, and unlicensed photography and journalism

Muḥammad Hilāl (Muslim Brotherhood)


Muḥammad Ḥilmī [Mohammed Helmy] (Egyptian doctor who saved Jews from Nazis during WWII)
Muḥammad Hishām

president of the Supreme State Security Prosecution

Muḥammad Ḥusayn Haykal

Egyptian author (1888-1956)

Muḥammad Ḥusayn [Palestanian Shaykh/Muftī]
Muḥammad Ḥusnī Sayyid Mubārak [Muhammad Hosny Mubarak] (President of Egypt 1981 - 2012)

President of Egypt (1981-2011)

Muḥammad Ḥussām (Shaykh)
Muḥammad Ḥussām al-Dīn
Muḥammad Ḥussayn Faḍl Allāh (Ayatollah)

Grand Ayatollah of Lebanon; Twelver Shīcah

Muḥammad Ḥussayn Ṭānṭāwī Sulaymān [Muhammad Hussein Tantawi] (Field Marshal)
Minister of Defense and Military Production between 1991 and 2012. He became de-facto head of state when Husni Mubarak was ousted in 2011 and remained so until the inauguration of Muhammad Mursi as president of Egypt on June 30, 2012. Mursi forced Tantawi to retire on 12 August 2012.
Muḥammad Ḥussayn Yaʿqūb (Shaykh)

Islamic Scholar; Author

Muḥammad ibn Isḥāq ibn Yasār ibn Khiyār [Ibn Ishaq]

Died in the 8th century, historian and hagiographer

Muḥammad ibn Ismāʿīl ibn al-Mughīrah al-Bukhārī [al-Bukhārī]

9th Century Sunni Islamic Scholar

Muḥammad ibn Muslim ibn ʿUbaydullah ibn Shihāb al-Zuhrī

Islamic Scholar of the 8th Century C.E., best known for his collections of "sira" that is, biographies of the prophet Muhammad.

Muḥammad ibn Salām


Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (Shaykh)

Founder of Wahhabism in the Arabian peninsula (1703-1791)

Muḥammad Ibrāhīm al-Fayyūmī (Dr.)

Member of the Islamic Research Academy; Professor at Azhar University; Islamic Scholar; Author

Muḥammad Ibrahīm Kāmil

MP for the Wafd Party

Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Mabrūk


Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Maḥfūẓ

Leader of a new Sufi movement; Claimed Prophethood; Convicted in Alexandria in 1999

Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Moustafa (former Minister of Interior)

Interior Minister and General

Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Sulaymān (Dr.)

Egyptian Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities (1993-2004); NDP member of parliament

Muḥammad Ismāʿīl al-Muqaddam (Shaykh)

Founder of the Salafist Call ( al Dawaʿa al-salafīyah) in Alexandria

Muḥammad Jād Allāh

Vice president of the State Council



Muḥammad Jamāl Abū Aḥmad

Muhammad Jammāl Abu Ahmad is implicated in the assault on the American ambassador in Benghaz.

Muḥammad Jamāl al-Dīn
Muḥammad Jibrīl (Shaykh)

Islamic Preacher; Presenter of Islamic TV shows

Muḥammad Jūhar (Mohammad Gohar)

Egyptian broadcaster

Muḥammad Juwaylī

Chairman of the Proposals and Complaints Committee in the People’s Assembly

Muhammad Juweili
Muḥammad Kamāl (Muslim Brotherhood)
Muḥammad Kamāl (National Democratic Party)
Muḥammad Kamāl al-Dīn Imām (Dr.)

Head of the Sharīcah Department at the Faculty of Law at Alexandria University (Since 2008); Author

Muḥammad Kamāl al-Dīn Munīr (Dr.)

Vice President of the State Council and Director of the Centre for Judicial Studies and Research

Muḥammad Kāmil Ḥussayn (Dr.)

He is the author of 'Qariyah Zālimah' [City of Wrong] for which Dr.Muhammad Kāmil Husayn was awarded the State Prize in 1957.

Muḥammad Khalaf Amīn
Muḥammad Khalīfa Ḥassan (Dr.)

Head of the Oriental Studies Department, Cairo University, author

Muḥammad Khalīl (Author)


Muḥammad Khalīl al-Ḥakāyma

Head of media and propaganda for al-Qācidah; Former member of al-Jamācah al-Islāmiyyah

Muḥammad Khātamī (President)

Fifth President of the Islamic Republic of Iran (1997-2001)

Muḥammad Khayrat al-Shāṭir [Khairat al-Shater] (Eng.)

First Deputy of the Muslim Brotherhood Current General Guide Dr/Muḥammad Badīc; Engineer; Businessman


Muḥammad Khayrī

Former head of the Doctors' Syndicate

Muḥammad Mabrūk [Mohamed Mabrouk]

Lieutenant Colonel with the Egyptian police. One of the primary witnesses in the Mohammed Morsi prison break on January 29, 2011. He was murdered in Nasr City on November 17, 2013, by seven shots to the chest and head

Muḥammad Mahdī Shams al-Dīn (Shaykh)

Late Famous Lebanese Twelver Shīcah Islam scholar; Former head of the Higher Shīcah Council of Lebanon
