Displaying 1 - 10 of 3278.
An Islamic professor has said that calls for renewing the religious discourse reflect that fiqh (jurisprudence) schools are a necessity for the continuous development of life and the issues that arise in the contemporary era.
As we welcome the new year, we hope it will be a time of prosperity, marked by peace and tranquility. This hope holds particular significance in a world increasingly characterized by harshness and polarization and the spread of hatred in the shadow of conflicts, wars, crises and natural disasters.
Dr. Ibrāhīm Najm, an advisor to the Grand Muftī of Egypt, stated that in contemporary society, many are issuing fatwās (religious edicts) without referring to scholars before.  
Strange and suspicious calls are promoting a so-called Abrahamic Religion, which seeks to unite the three divine religions of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism into one faith that would bring the Qurʾān, the Bible, and the Torah together into one book.
Jewish attempts to enter and disrupt al-Aqṣā Mosque are only part of the continuous tensions between Israelis and Palestinians. Both parties struggle to control the sacred sites in al-Quds (Jerusalem); while the mosque is Islam’s third holiest shrine, it is also Judaism’s holy Temple Mount, and...
Currently, the entire world stands idle yet cannot overlook the severity of the genocide in the Gaza Strip, in which fighters, civilians, children, women and the elderly have been targeted indiscriminantly. 
Each time President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī speaks on the occasion of al-Mawlid al-Nabawī (the Prophet Muḥammad’s birthday), observers of Egyptian public events can identify the characteristics of a character-building approach in his speech.
The life of the Afghan woman has changed considerably over the past few decades. In the past, women had equality, voting rights, and legal protections, polygamy was not permitted, weddings were reserved for girls over the age of 21, and while traditional attire was the norm, some women preferred to...
2024 was designated as the “Year of Female Preachers” due to the prominence of female preachers at al-Azhar and the Ministry of Awqāf (religious endowments) in recent years.
At the completion of his pastoral tour in Upper Egypt, Dr. Andrea Zakī, the leader of the Coptic Evangelical community, witnessed the ordination of Priest Michael Māhir as the pastor of the Evangelical Church in the Kūm Asfaḥt district on Friday, August 23.


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