Displaying 1311 - 1320 of 1792.
The violent contact between the East and the West contributed to the sophisticated ideological attitude towards Islam adopted by the West a long time ago. That is why Western speech about Islam is not limited to writings and theories. It is used to justify Western predominance over the East.
When speaking about the image of Islam, its civilization and followers in Western speech, it should be realized that not a single image is examined, because the West is not one bloc. Islam also does not have one image of unbelievers and the people of the book.
The monastery of the Dominican fathers in Cairo contains the largest Islamic library in Egypt. It contains 90,000 books on Islam, history, religious sciences and other sciences that can be used for conducting researches.
The Jewish Holy Book makes Isaac the hero of the story of the sacrifice and not Ishmael who was the only and firstborn son of Abraham before the birth of Isaac. This is an intended distortion made for the benefit of the history of the Israeli people.
Since its foundation, Israel relied on the efforts of American Zionist organizations to prove it is the front-line defense for safeguarding American interests in the Middle East. The author questions the role of Arab and Islamic organizations or the Arab lobby in defending Arab and Islamic rights...
The author criticizes the fact that verses from the Holy Bible and the Qur´an are interpreted in a way that does not suit the spirit of both religions and are exploited for political ends. He believes that religious thinking and discourse should be reconsidered to enable Egyptians to face the...
Every year on January 19, the Coptic Orthodox Church all over the world celebrates the occasion in which Jesus Christ was baptized. This occasion is called Epiphany because Jesus revealed his Divine nature during baptism.
The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked the Israeli authorities to enforce the Israeli Supreme Court ruling in favor of the Coptic Orthodox Church regarding returning Al-Sultan monastery to the Egyptian Church.
Pope Shenouda III hailed national unity in Egypt during his meeting with the Cypriot president at the Egyptian embassy in Nicosia. He thanked president Mubarak for declaring January 7 a national feast for all Egyptians.
Background about the life of Father Christian van Nispen in Egypt [member of the AWR-Editorial Board], his activities and his relationships with Muslim sheikhs and scholars.


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